Thursday, September 5, 2019

emails, duvets and ditches....oh and a good book, too

Back on the job this morning. I've been working on emails for 3 hours....still have 90 unread emails. The number won't go down, LOL. As soon as I get a few older ones cleared off, 3 new ones pop up.

So, I had bought that down alternative comforter from Target a week or two ago. It's a Full/Queen size. Seems big. I like that it hangs down over the edges of the mattress (my king size duvet on our bed is too small and shows edge of mattress, which I hate). I can't find a duvet cover that fits that size! The bag the comforter came in says it's 90x94. Well, most full/queen duvet covers are like 88x90 or even 88x88.  This is frustrating me. I'll have to check king size measurements. Maybe that will work, but of course usually costs more. Maybe I'll just get a bedspread or coverlet to just lay over the comforter.....

DH found a guy to dig a couple of ditches he needs dug and he just arrived to do the work. Cuz 10 am is when people start work around here, LOL. At least he finally found someone. He still can't get the guy who is supposed to deliver the manure and then mix/screen it with all the topsoil we have. That was July he delivered the it's almost mid September and he keeps pushing DH out and won't give him a specific date. Yet.....he has the nerve to call DH last night and ask for a favor! Of course DH says yes (because he can never tell anyone no) and then complains to me about it all evening. Just freaking say no, you can't do it! As far as we have been able to determine and ask around, there isn't really anyone else local who can do this topsoil screening for us, so we are stuck waiting for him. Obviously we are not going to get a lawn planted this year. The other crappy part is he dumped the topsoil where DH told him not to, so it's blocking where the fencing is supposed to go, so until it gets moved, the fence guy can't come and put up our fence!

I came across something where Amazon Prime accounts can get 2 free ebooks, from a selection they are offering this month. I don't typically read from the Kindle app on my ipad mini and I have it set up with my Amazon account that isn't prime (I share a prime with DD). I wanted to get the 2 free books, so I de-registered the Kindle account on my ipad and then re-registered with our Prime account email and was able to get the 2 free books. One was Quantum, by Patricia Cornwell, who has written the Kay Scarpetta series that I love. The other is a WWII historical fiction. I'm a bit burned out on WWII fiction, but of the other choices, this seemed like the best option. Now that I got the right account set up with my Kindle app I think I can also take advantage of the free borrowing from the Kindle library available to Prime members. I need to check into this more on how to do it/borrow the books. Does anyone else take advantage of this Prime membership benefit?


  1. I loved the Kay Scarpetta series (to begin with), but then I found it got a bit "silly". The one with the boyfriend faking his own death and all. But I like the Scarpetta character - haven't read any Cornwell for a while though. You must let us know what you think.

    1. I know she had written a few other books that weren't the Scarpetta series, but I have never read any of them. This new book is ok, so far. I'll let you know how I liked it when I'm done.

  2. That's the bad part of being off work - everything just piles up until you get back! Good luck with the emails!

    Perhaps your husband can tell the guy that he'll do the favor once the top soil has been taken care of?

    1. that's for sure. 99% of my work doesn't get done by anyone else, LOL. Hubby's too nice to say that - unfortunately! That's what he should have said, though!

  3. Check your local thrift stores for duvet covers. It seems like I'm always able to find one on the shelves when I need it.

    1. You know, I honestly don't even know where the thrift stores are in the city! Since I usually only go in there like twice a month, my trips are pretty planned out where I'm going and trying to get done and gone. One of these days I should take more time out to check around.
