Monday, September 16, 2019

Men are babies

well, I guess I shouldn't stereotype all men. My DH is a baby. He broke a tooth. An upper molar.

First off let me start by saying he hasn't been to a dentist in years. After they did that major deep gum surgery stuff he's never been back. I finally got to the point (after being married all these years) that he is an adult, just like me, and he can go or not go. I'm not his mom and got tired of trying to be.

I think part of the tooth broke off. Honestly, if he could have, I'm pretty sure he would have just pulled the whole tooth out, himself. But, again...that's probably to do with the big baby part....I told him do not even ask me to help him do that. Not happening! 

We were outside that afternoon chatting with our neighbor and dh told him about his tooth and they were joking about him pulling it out. Then he said our neighbor guy down the road about a mile actually set his own broken leg one time! Didn't want to go to a doctor. OMG. Men! I said well, call him, maybe he'll pull your tooth out, LOL.

So, Thursday he says I guess you'd better call a dentist and get me in to have it pulled. He actually thought he was going to get an appointment that same day or Friday! I called 3 dentists in the city and of course none could get him in that day (It was afternoon by then anyway) and they don't work Fridays. Then I found an emergency dental place that their website said was a walk in, first come first served. I had a 10am phone meeting I couldn't get out of, so I told him they open at 7:15. Be there waiting when they open and most likely you can be one of the first and get in and out. Nope. He can't go by himself, so he says he'll wait for my meeting to get done. I told him, well, then be prepared to wait, because I'm sure there will be others waiting in front of you. He was like "oh, how busy can they be?"

So, we get there at 11:30.  Sorry, we are booked for the rest of the day. Well....if you want to wait 90 minutes and the next one doesn't show back up for their "appt" (which is showing up and having them put your name on the list of available openings for the day), you get it, if you are here. Said they already had 3 no shows for the morning. Then another of the 4 receptionists pipes up, that hold on, they maybe can squeeze him in. So, they actually do. They evaluate and do an xray. Tell him they think the tooth is/can be saved and recommend getting a crown. But, they don't do crowns there.

When we were driving back home he made some comment about a crown, he wasn't really sure what they are. I said I have 3 of them! They aren't really that big of deal......other all mine turned into also needing freaking root canals! I told him half my teeth are fake! well, not really, but 3 molars are and 2 other teeth are mostly fake/veneer cap things

So, had to wait until this morning to call and get an appointment somewhere. I called the dentist office in the town nearest to us (a little closer than driving to the city, at least) and was surprised she said then can get him in at 3:30 today. I asked if it was possible to get the xray taken at the other place sent over, so maybe we didn't have to pay for another xray. It took a couple of calls, but they did email over the xray.

So, $1560 and almost 2 hours later, DH has a temporary crown on now. He has to go back in a couple of weeks to have the permanent one put on..


  1. I hate going to the dentist, myself! In fact, I'm overdue for a visit! I keep putting it off!

    1. I don't like going either, but I can at least go by myself, LOL.

  2. When I stopped "wifeing" for my ex when he left me, all his doctors' appointments went out the door. I think eventually he had to start making the appointments and going himself but I sure as hell wasn't going to be his life secretary any more. Ha, I bet he hasn't been to the dentist in the 10 years we've been divorced!

    1. I look at guy friends of his, who are single and live on their own and take care of their lives and wonder how in the world he would ever manage, LOL.

  3. Sounds so much like my DH. He only started going on a regular basis a few years ago, and that's only because I would make his appointments. Of course, I have to hear about it for weeks before he even goes, and this is for cleanings! Sorry about this extra expense, but (hopefully) he will be thankful they were able to save the tooth. Better than dentures later!

    1. He was glad the tooth got saved once it was all over. Last night he said thanks for the new tooth :)

  4. Bummer about the broken tooth but glad he could salvage it, with a little dental magic and a lot of bucks!

    1. yes, it is good they could fix it. Like my broken tooth from a few years ago - just too much old filling and finally just gives out on the tooth. Lots of bucks, but actually cheaper than dental insurance would have been for quite a few years. Plus the dental insurance would have only covered half of it.
