Friday, September 22, 2017

Wanting to pay a bill and the waiting game

It's been over two weeks since we had our water well dug, but haven't received the bill. In usual DH fashion he expected to be handed a bill that day and he's been stressing about it since about day 3 LOL. I'm like they don't do things fast around here. Their billing person probably bills out once a month or something. Finally on Wednesday I said why don't you just call and ask about it, so he did. It was the owner who answered the phone (not the guy who actually drilled it) and he said yep, his bookkeeper probably hadn't done it yet and she was out sick today. But, he thanked DH for calling to ask about it. We should have it soon.

He's getting frustrated with our builder. He's been asking him to come out to our property (it would be about a hour and 15 min for the guy from his home), so DH can show it to him and also DH has several questions he needs answered that would help him decide now on a few of the things DH can/wants to do himself now. He emailed him early last Spring. Said he'd like him to come out some time when he has a chance, no rush.  Then it was June and he emailed again, that is was no rush, a reply "ok, I'll give you a call soon". At one point (I think this was after we had the site work done) DH emailed him that we did that and plan to start building next Spring and hoped he was still interested and would be available. He said he was looking forward to building our home and said he bought a camper trailer and wanted to stay in in during the week, while doing our build (rather than driving home over an hour each way), if that would be ok with us. Then DH emailed him at the end of August, again mentioning he'd like him to come out and he said they were a bit busy because their area had to evacuate from the fires, but he should be free in a week or so. Then no call or email.

I said to DH last week you need to just call or email and say you really have some decisions you have to make and need his input - can we set up a date and time to meet at my property? DH said "well, I've tried that". I didn't say it, but this is what I thought: No, you haven't done that. You've been your nice wishy washy way you deal with people and that's why he keeps pushing you off and not committing.  Call him up and ask for a specific date and time to meet! Instead he complains about it and says if the builder doesn't get out here soon, he's going to start looking for someone else. (which of course he'll have the same problem with). Sure, we could start looking for someone else, but we are most familiar with this guy and his quality of work. Our friends used him and had no major issues and their house is beautiful. NO BODY does anything around here fast. That's just the way it is. Stop saying "when you have time" to the guy and get him to commit to a date/time to meet up.


  1. Yep, they are all that way. Communication is awful and you have to stay on top of it ALL THE TIME! Direct is best. AND, I have to say, stay with your builder if you can. If he has a good reputation, you will just a very stressful and hectic time with the build, but you will get the best product. Probably when he is staying on the land, it will be better.

  2. Unfortunately, I think all builders/construction workers are the same way everywhere.

    1. they sure are. Must be nice to be so busy you don't even have to call your customers back LOL

  3. When we bought this house (in France) we were first time buyers ANYWHERE and I was shocked at the sloppy attitude to customers that some tradesmen have. I can't compare it to the UK either favourably or otherwise because I was never a homeowner there. As my son is now I qualified plumber I keep drumming into his head if you are respectful, show up on time and do a decent job (and clean up after yourself) you will make more money than you can handle. Plus being bilingual (English/French) he will get so much work from expats who don't speak French. I already have colleagues after me to get him to work for them. To be fair I have found good tradesmen here too but you do have to ferret about to find the serious ones. When my sister was re-doing an old house in England I would call to chat on a Sunday and she would have workmen in!!! And no they weren't all Polish (who are hard workers in my opinion). They were actually Brits wanting to make some money, so I hope that is the turn around we seem to have been needing in Britain. Anyway, that is a long winded way of saying I think you are right - you have to pin the guy down to a specific time/date. Good workmen will always have more work than they can handle. Anna

    1. tradesman seem especially slow around here. And there aren't that many to choose from, living rural. I'll bet your son is very busy! Good trade to know.
