Thursday, September 7, 2017


We have a water well dug now - with water! Yay! At about 120 feet water (albeit dirty water) started coming out the pipe. The well guy then likes to dig another 40ft just to make sure. He then lets it run for a couple hours. Nice water at 45gpm.  The very best part is it will be our very own water well. No sharing with anybody. No having to call up an 80 year old lady and push her to fix the well so we can have water. The next best part is we paid cash for it! That (and the site work we had done) should increase the value of our land and less money we have to borrow for our construction loan.

Speaking of building a house....people sure have strange reactions to it (and so opinionated!). The most surprising is from DH's friend, who had their house built (we are using same builder) a couple of years ago. Every comment from him is about money and how much it costs. DH will ask him questions about different components of the house and what material they used, etc, and it's always the same "well, that's going to cost a lot".  DH is, ya, a house does need windows. LOL. The stuff costs what it costs! It's not like we are building a totally upgraded millions dollars home. It's all been cost estimated by the builder (though we are going to have to have him update it, since we didn't build last year or this year, obviously). DH texted him a pictures of the well being dug yesterday and he texted back "oh, there goes a bunch of money" or something like that. Well, ya, we used the same well drilling company you did! LOL.  It's not like we can drill it ourselves. Or he'll comment on how much extra (it's really not that much) things will cost to have delivered out here. And then DH reminds him, but we also do not have ANY building permit fees here in this county...friends county permits cost him $15,000 to build, so it all evens out in the end (probably less for us when all is said and done, even with the extra delivery fees)

and speaking of this friend - DH was hanging out with him a couple weekends ago - he was lamenting how were they going to be able to afford their auto insurance that was now $450 a month to add a car and their 16 year old daughter onto it. OMG! That seems like an outrageous amount to me. I wonder what it was before she got added? None of their cars are new. The guy's truck and the car the DD is driving they have had quite awhile. The wife just bought a new car, but it was used. How is it $450 a month?  Even when we had a teenage boy on ours it wasn't over $250 a month for all 3 of us. No wonder he's stressing. I guess if it cost that much, I'd have to tell my DD that she has to get a part time job after school/weekends to help pay for it.  Their combined income is about the same as what I gross a year. I don't know how they do it, other than friend told DH his wife has lots of credit card debt. They have a house payment, 2 car payments, a camper trailer payment, they take a couple of vacations a year, are always going out and doing stuff every weekend, son is into all sports, so that adds up....and $450 a month for auto insurance... Eek, it stresses me out just thinking about it. I do know they are in the process of selling off a few acres of their land, which I think they plan to use to pay down some of their debts. We had thought about buying it and building there, but in the end just decided it was too close to be friends and neighbors LOL and we didn't want the train literally running through our back yard.


  1. Do you think he is angry/jealous that your husband doesn't have to work and still has a new house coming so these are little digs towards him? He may be frustrated having to work everyday and feeling this?

  2. you know, we have wondered if that may be it. There have been a few comments also that kind of suggest this. I know it's hard for people to understand how he feels since they can't physically see a problem. Like he spent the last 2 days all day at the property, while the well was being dug, mostly on his feet/legs. He can barely move today, but of course no one sees that. All in all we will have a very comparable house and shop to what friend has. He just has more acreage than us. Every time we go to their house DH just gushes over it, his landscaping, etc. I also know he just in general seems very conscious of what everything costs, so that may just be his nature about money.

    1. DH also tries to gently remind him "hey, we're not still supporting 2 kids, our current house payment is minimal, and we don't have any car or rv payments, so yes, it's a little easier for us to afford these improvements to our property"

  3. As I read my comment it almost seems judgmental or snarky and I do not mean it that way at all. Often when people have limitations that aren't obvious others have preconceived ideas or judgement and maybe despite being a friend this seeps through which would be too bad.

    1. oh, I didn't take it that way at all! DH finally gave up on one of his long time friends from where we used to live. Jealousy is the only thing we could come up with. It got way worse after we moved. They used to talk on the phone every week or two but it was getting that every single thing from the guy was negative, telling DH what he should do/want on every little thing.

  4. Oh just adding to my comment as you answered!

  5. That is a crazy amount for insurance. I imagine that is only adding to the stress he already feels.

    Yeah for water and for cash flowing it! One less things on your list to do when you build!

    1. I'm sure it's totally stressing friend out. Plus, he and his wife totally separate their money and who pays what bills. Yes, one less thing to do for sure, which feels really good.

  6. After my ex rolled/totalled his Landcruiser while drunk the insurance company kicked him out. When he got his licence back only one company in Paris would take him on and we were paying about $600/month just for him. Maybe they have had claims - who knows - but that seems like an awful lot of money to me. But, as you say, they do seem to have an awful lot of debts too. And I know what you mean about paying cash for stuff. I have just had my external balcony rebuilt and paid cash for it, and when the young man puts in the railings and side-gate that will be cash too. Now I'm looking at internal blinds for odd shaped windows. I think taking your time to save up for it gives you more time to actually think about what you REALLY want too rather than just having every thing at once. Anna

    1. That could be that they've had accident/claims. I know they do also base rates on credit score. I had an odd shaped window here in my office/bedroom and ordered some Bali cellular shade online. It fit great, easy (for DH, ha) to install and I love it.

  7. It's great you have water now. I missed that even though I thought I read your blog every day. That guy just cannot be happy for your husband! Your husband should just answer all the comments about cost with, "I know!" Maybe the guy would quit if your husband did not reward him with a comment about affording it and how it costs so much.

    1. and I missed your comment. LOL. DH will probably just end up not talking to him so much about the details, but he's been/should be a great resource for all DH's questions since he just built a new home and used same builder.
