Monday, September 25, 2017

My quiet Sunday afternoon consisted of watching a bit of tv, reading a book, taking the dogs outside for some exercise and talking to the neighbors across the street while doing that - and playing with their dog, who is very persistent with her ball LOL. Then their little tiny dog took off across the field, across the street and went into my yard. She's a little firecracker. Our big dogs are scared of her, LOL.

I'm glad I don't watch football to begin with.....or I wouldn't be anymore. Bunch of overpaid jerks. How much do you want to bet it won't be much longer and our national anthem won't even be played anymore, because it's so offensive and racist?

Our real estate agent texted me about 2pm. We had asked him around the beginning of August if he would stop by some time and take a few outside pics of our house, while the grass is green and flowers are in bloom. Not being sure exactly when we will have to list for sale, it might still be too early next spring for any flowers, etc. Can't really get flowers planted until late May and then it still takes several weeks for them to fill out and look nice. At the time he said he would be back out our way, for the house he was selling down the street, at the end of August. Well, he sold house and when he came out a couple weeks ago he apparently didn't have time to swing by our place for a few pics. Then he wanted to stop by Friday on his way out of state for the weekend. Then he texted Friday he got a late start, plus it was raining, so we said we'd try for Sunday afternoon on his way home. (by about this time I was about ready to say never mind - all my flowers are on their last legs anyway.

Anyhow he texted he was about 3 hours out and would stop by. I said ok, but I probably won't be home, as I had to go pick up DH and then we were having dinner at friends. I ended up leaving about 4:40 and about 20 minutes later realtor texted me "your yard looks so good!!!!". So that made me feel good - and DH, too, when I showed him the text. Hopefully he got a couple decent pics and if he can use them when we list, great.

I got to our friends place about 5:15. His wife and daughter had gone into the city to do some shopping and were bringing pizza back around 6pm. The guys were just about done making the dog house. Boy, his kids are LAZY! The boy (8th grade) couldn't even help them and then when friend told him to help by sweeping up (nails, screws,  wood and metal pieces, etc) he barely could do that. Swept most of it, left it in a pile and dropped the broom next to it and went back in the house. Then we and friend took their two dogs and walked down to the river from their property. A nice little walk about 10 minutes or so. The dogs swam and chased a stick in the river for a bit and then we walked back to their house, just in time for pizza was ready.

DD was sad to leave her puppy to go to work this morning. She doesn't live close enough to have time to drive home during lunch. Once he's a little older she plans to put him in doggy daycare for a couple days a week. She said he is doing great in his crate at night, he didn't even pee during the night Saturday night.


  1. I have never watched a football game, and don't intend to start. I loathe everything about the NFL, and professional sports in general. That said, I think there is NOTHING more American than peaceful, protest. It doesn't get mor peaceful than sitting--or taking a knee, or whatever they're doing. Standing for the National Anthem is not a law in this country. You want laws like that, go to North Korea.

    1. I used to enjoy football years ago, but realized they are just way overpaid and many not setting good examples. I certainly don't think it needs to be a law to stand for the National Anthem - but those that don't do not get my support or respect.

    2. I agree with you there. Having myself served in the military and now having a nephew serving in the Marines in Korea, it is about patriotism.

  2. I tend to be a lurker on most blogs because I have children and not a lot of time to comment. But today I was compelled. I am just curious - why would you not respect someone for silently protesting racial and social injustice by not standing during the national anthem? I ask with all sincerity.

  3. Patriotism. Of course our country has flaws, but it's still the best country there is and to me the flag and national anthem represent all that our country has fought for and honoring all those that have fought and all those that have died fighting for our country. I have a very good friend who's only son, 21 years old, is in Afghanistan right now, fighting for us. I have a cousin who's 2 boys and only children are both in the service fighting for us. Those two mother's hold their breath's every single day. I just saw a news clip where one of the kneeling players said "this isn't about race", but obviously people are getting that impression, as you stated above.

  4. Thanks for your response. Just curious. My family has a very very deep military history, including my husband :) I offer no opinion on the matter either way. But I appreciate your honesty.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment and reading!

  5. I am all about peaceful protests. But, I do like patriotism and tradition. Really, would anyone interrupt a wedding with untoward behavior because the person thinks marriage has flaws, none of which I will name here.

    And. doesn't someone have better things to do than mandate what ball clubs should do...quit twittering and do your job!

  6. If those people use the currency of the kid, he will not behave the way he did. I wonder what was in the house...texting. Well, no texting tonight because you did not finish. Kids love to be did not tell him to put away the broom or the get up the trash and throw it away, just sweep.

    1. exactly. Texting and video games. That wouldn't have worked with our kids. As soon as the broom got dropped and started walking away it would have been get back here and finish it right. But, he's letting his kids act that way and then complaining that they do.

    2. Can you say, "You are teaching them how to treat you"? Or, maybe that would not go over? It will just get worse.

    3. DH has basically said that to him. He just blames his wife, in that if he tries to assert some discipline, chores, respect, etc, she just backs up the kids. His 16 yr old daughter acts like she's his parent.

  7. Glad you got a nice picture of your house for your not too distant sale.

  8. That lazy kid would get my goat too but I understand if the friend is getting no back up from his wife. Sounds like there are bigger problems than lazy kids in that marriage sadly. Oh, tell your hubs I just LOVE that boot bench by the way. What a clever guy. Anna

    1. you are exactly right. When the parents can't be on the same page, then there's really no hope. It's just 3 against 1, for him. Thanks for the nice words on the boot bench :)
