Thursday, September 14, 2017

It's official

Well, one half (or maybe it's 2/3) of our renter neighbor problem has moved out! Our good neighbor across the field, works at the elementary school. She stopped at our house on her way back home from work yesterday. "Want the news?" DH was like "well, looks like she moved out". Yep!

Apparently, after she and her sister packed up what they could (including the dog), she went over to the school and un-enrolled the boy. Of course friend asked her lots of questions (since she is her neighbor, too). She and the kids are moving to the city and will be living at her sister's place and boy will be transferred to a school there. She asked about her DH still renting the house and she said she didn't know what he's doing. They are now on a month to month lease and this month's rent was paid. She said she called the landlady and told her to take her name off the lease.  Friend asked what about all his stuff over at so and so's old place (the shop where he took all his auto stuff a few weeks ago). Apparently a friend of his, who is a truck driver just bought the place and is only there a few days a month, so is renting out the shop to him. The friend said something (I can't remember how she said she worded it) to her about his girlfriend.....wife was surprised and said "oh, you know about that?" and friend said "honey...every one knows about it". She hasn't been working since school started because they don't have child care. Not sure if she still has a job to go back to now or not. At the school they do a "backpack meals" to help out some of the low income kids, so friend said she gave her a backpack of food to take with her.

So, we are for sure not out of the woods yet with this guy. For all we know he'll now move in his GF and her two little kids. But, my guess is, since he's only at the house a handful of hours a day, that he won't stay. I can't see him wanting to spend the rent on it when he's only there a few hours a night. He was already spending what time he wasn't at his job over at the shop where all the stuff he cares most about is. Hopefully, now that he's single he'll just move in with that guy where the shop is. I do not think,  though, that the junk or the noise will be returning. I think landlady was sufficiently worried enough that she was going to get sued by the developer over it, which is why it all got cleaned up and shut down.


  1. She may have been a pest, but my heart went out to the woman when she was told everyone knew about the girlfriend. Your front seat has been interesting. I suppose there will be more drama.

    1. apparently it wasn't the first time he's cheated on her since they've lived here.

  2. I car believe that someone who works at the school is sharing information about a student.

    1. very small town. everyone knows EVERYthing. This friend said that when she got pregnant with her first child (years ago) and got the test results at the dr. office, she got home 10 minutes later and her phone was ringing and it was her MIL saying "so I hear I'm going to be a grandma". She hadn't even got to tell her dh yet.

    2. I won't even open a bank account here in town. LOL

    3. Small town or not, if I heard a school employee sharing information about a student, I would call her out on it. It's not o.k.

  3. I agree about the school employee sharing info. Bad form there whether it is a small town or not.

  4. Agreed, but nothing we say is going to change how these folks gossip and talk among themselves. Of approx 800 people, half are kids. That leaves about 400 adults, most who gossip and talk to each other constantly and every one knows what's going on with everyone else. Even if the school employee didn't say anything I can guarantee you others knew all about it. We aren't the type that would tell someone else's business to another person, and we hardly know anyone yet anyway, but I'll bet if we did and told someone else they'd probably already know about it and not from a school employee. You can't even get pulled over for a speeding ticket without it getting published in the paper, ha! And everyone is either good friends with so and so or related to each other. The school superintendent is school employee's best buddy. He's not going to do anything to her for talking. You can't complain to people around here about something - so and so's brother is such and such, that kind of thing. Small town is very interesting. Nothing we've ever lived in before and we just try to stay out of it. Friend even told us before about little neighbor boy bringing a roach clip, 2 lighters and bullets to school one time. They called mom in to talk to her. I asked if CPS was called on something like that and friend just rolled her eyes and said she's a part time worker who is assigned to our county part time and worthless. The sheriff isn't even qualified for his job...he's just the sheriff because no one else wanted to run for the position. Even with the HIPPA laws, I'm seriously considering just going to a doctor in the city for my checkup/needs. The lady that works the front desk of the dr. office is in my book club. Banking, I think I'm going to open up at a bank in the city....the lady next door to our property works at the bank in town....I don't trust any of these folks not to talk about people's personal stuff. We sometimes watch the count/city council meetings on youtube. OMG. These people aren't qualified to run anything LOL. We'll be happy when we are 10 miles outside of town. More than likely we'll hardly even come to town anymore for anything very often. Our mail will get delivered out there and a choice between driving 35 minutes to the city for stores or 15 minutes back to town for an expensive store. I'll probably choose the extra 20 minute drive. Once at our property we'll hardly have any contact with townfolk

  5. That would drive me crazy people knowing my business. Wonder if the school would be so lax with your friend telling you stuff. Just because everyone knows, doesn't make it right for her to talk. I would stay clear and don't ask or listen to this gossip. Cheryl

    1. I'm sure she meant no harm and it's not like we are doing anything with the info that she is moving to the city with the kids. We already knew she was being cheated on. We already knew he had moved his garage/auto stuff to a shop at a house nearby. We already could tell she was moving out. But yes, we will be glad to be away from the small town stuff. We could care less about what everyone is doing. We just wanted the covenants for this property abided by so we could enjoy the home we purchased to live in a couple of years. And just glad that part of the problem is gone. No more unruly kids to listen to/deal with, no more dents in my car, etc.

  6. Thank Goodness! You need a peaceful home and neighborhood! I sighed with relief and I don't even live there! LOL I lived in a town like that when I was a little girl and my in-laws still live there! It is good and bad. I love living in a small town - the UPS personally introduced himself and asked where I would like packages. The Fed-ex guy even called me because I wasn't on the land and waited for me a Dollar General. You cannot get that kind of service in town.

    1. oh ya, it's good and bad, for sure. UPS and FedEx guys will see you in town/recognize a car and give you your delivery then, LOL. Delivery and service guys (like water meter guy) will all stop and chat with you when the stop by. People wave to each other as they drive by (that's always been a MT thing). Just since they left yesterday it feels like everything has quieted down around us. That and we got rain! woohoo!

  7. It is very wrong to have the school personnel tell tales. However, the secretary here in this town filled me in on all the gossip. She is dead now so it doesn't matter if I say this. J knew she should not tell me, but I did not stop

    We lived in a very small town when I was pregnant. I went to the doctor's office, not even an ob/gyn, and he told me my neighbors were all calling him and told him to tell me to quit riding my bike since I was pregnant. He laughed. I laughed. He said I could do whatever if felt like doing. So, I kept riding my bike while pregnant.

    The school secretary filled me in on everything going on in this town!

    1. it didn't take me long to figure out, living here, if you don't want everyone to know something, you can't talk to anyone haha! That is a funny story about riding your bike :) There really isn't anything the school lady told us that we didn't already know, other than "where" (to the city) she was moving. And I'm sure every kid in his class/school would notice he's not there the next day/s and ask why. And I'm sure a teacher or school employee wouldn't have any concerns telling them he moved and is going to another school, which is all she told us. Everything else, we already knew about, just from living next to them.

  8. I'm happy for you, but those (soon t be former) neighbors of yours, sure have issues! Sounds like they both need help.

    1. They are a mess and we've always felt bad for the kiddos. Especially because he paid them no attention at all. The only thing the guy has going for him is he seems to be a hard worker, but he's completely selfish and you can tell only thinks of himself. Here's a great example of his parenting: he'd spay his yard with this heavy duty weed killer and wear a mask while doing it....while his kids were playing on the trampoline and he's spraying under it! Some things just make you shake your head.
