Friday, September 15, 2017

The Swagbucks merry go-round and Amazon Payments frustration

Swagbucks owes me $28 and I'm getting no where with them. It's been since August 30th since I signed up for the promotion and it's still not resolved. They emailed back over a week before last that they needed the copy of my confirmation from GameFly in a jpg form, so I did. Then I've sent 3 more emails since they asking for a status update. Finally, this morning I entered a whole new "ticket" explaining my problem again and that I have already sent them the required documentation. They emailed back they needed a copy of the order confirmation in jpg format. So, I've sent it again. I'm checked to see if they have a phone # to call and discuss, but apparently that is non-existent and the # they do have doesn't get you to anyone.

Amazon Payments is still unresolved and this has been almost a month now. I called a week ago and was told it was being transferred to the correct department and I would hear in 24-48 hours. After 48 hours I replied to the email I received after hanging up with the customer service rep, asking for a status update. Nothing.  So, I've put in another "ticket", just like with Swagbucks explaining I've been trying to resolve this for 4 weeks now.

I'm still getting this message when I log into M-Turk

When I log into Amazon Payments I get this message:
it's been like over 3 weeks with this message now.

The other day when I logged into my Amazon account (for buying stuff) and clicked on Payment Options, I do not recall seeing this:
Maybe the Amazon Payments Balance was there all along, but I don't remember seeing it. and if it is something I can use to pay, then why isn't my account approved?

I've also emailed M-Turks "help" to ask if they have any info or way to resolve.

The customer service all around is crappy. Has anyone else ever had an issue with Swagbucks and got it resolved? They seem to just keep you hanging and ask for the same info you've already given them.


  1. Sorry for your troubles. I don't do Swagbucks for that and other reasons.

    1. I've never had a problem with them, but haven't done their offers before, except for Hulu and that one I was credited right away.

  2. I do swagbcks all the time and in fact the only things Ido are the free trial offer and runing the videos and buying gift cards through my gift cards plus (I despise surveys with a purple passion and avoid when I can except m turk ones). The only one I ever had problems with was the Hulu one, and eventually i figured I got a free trial of Hulu either way so I just gave up. I have never had an issue with mturk payments ever (but ninetly percent of the time I admit I put it on my gift card balance)

    1. The Hulu offer went great for me, so that's why I thought I'd try the GameFly offer. I got appoved to do M-Turk. I just can't get approved to have an Amazon Payments account for some reason

  3. They sure are giving you the runaround. Grr. Swagbucks doesn't surprise me, but Amazon? They are usually very good about resolving problems.

    1. I'm surprised with Amazon, too. They can give me an Amazon Store card, but not verify my identity. Weird.
