Saturday, September 16, 2017

Saturday morning activites

Yesterday was my every other week "half Friday" work day. I had a prescription to pick up at Target for DH, so we made a shopping trip into the city. We had stocked up pretty good 2 weeks ago, at least as far as soda, water, laundry soap goes. This trip I mostly bought dinner stuff, bread and fruit. We also got their 8 piece fried chicken and that was our dinner on the way home (it smelled too good to wait until we got home. LOL) and will be our dinner tonight, too. I spent $150 and that should get me through most of the next 2 weeks, I hope.

On the drive in I remembered that grocery store savings app I had signed up for, so I logged in to see what was offered. Found a few things on my list and saved an additional $1.70 I wouldn't have, if I hadn't added them. We also had to stop at Harbor Freight for a couple of things and I got a 20% off one item coupon code on my phone, as well as I had printed out a coupon for a free item, before we left home. The 20% saved $3.40 and the free item DH choose was a 18" magnetic tool holder. I also had a $5 Target gift card that I used towards the prescription purchase.  We made a stop first at Lowe's, looking to see if they had any aborvitae/thuja trees left in stock. Out of all that we planted along our fence line about 5 died and/or aren't looking too good. We decided to just get 4 to replace, instead of 5. One dead tree was at the end of the line of trees and we'll just skip replacing one there. Saving us $8.

We also stopped at an electrical supply place. DH wanted some info on meter boxes, as he wants to install ours in one of the concrete piers he makes for the gate. He needed to find out what the measurements would be of it. The two people helping him didn't seem to know a whole lot (though the lady was much more knowledgeable than the guy) and we ended up standing at their counter for at least an hour. I can't stand in one place that long. My hips start hurting.

This morning he replaced two of the 4 trees. Two don't look too bad and might make it, so we'll just hold on to the two in the pots. If the trees make it, then we can just use these two extra at our new house at some point.

I cleaned and vacuumed this morning. No more burning smell in the vacuum, so that is good. I also made sure to pull off all the fur and hair wrapped around the roller brush when I was done. Guess I'll have to start doing that every time. Last week DH gave the long haired dog a good brushing, which helps keep the fur down inside a lot, and I gave him another good brushing outside this morning.

With the much cooler weather, DH finally decided it was a good time to get started on the boot bench he wants to make. He's busy measuring and cutting outside now. It will certainly keep him busy all weekend. Yay! It will be made out of the same wood that he made my sofa table out of.

Plus, we are enjoying the peacefulness outside this morning, without two little kids standing at the fence asking "what are you doing?" every two minutes. haha. We enjoy kids and talking to them, but these two little ones had no boundaries whatsoever and if they were busy bothering us, then the parents were happy because that meant they didn't have to pay attention to them and all their questions. It's a good time to get outside and for DH to get his sawhorses, saw and tools out and get this project done while he can....before either the wife comes back with the kids or the girlfriend and her two kids move in.....GF was there last night, so that's probably the next thing that will take place. Oh yay.  I'm not one much for "new age" stuff.....but honest to God, when the wife left it's like all this negative energy in the air around us left with her. She must have had a bad aura, eh?


  1. Walking is excruciating for me, but standing is worse. I start asking for a chair if I have to stand over a minute.

    You may have been the only adults who paid any attention at all to those two children.

    I have had toxic neighbors! Yes, you can feel the negativity leaving.

    1. I'm ok walking but standing more than 20 minutes or so and I'm hurting. I was about to go out and wait in the car! it's not like I had a clue what any of them (including DH) were talking about anyway LOL.

  2. We are doing the clump errands together when we go to town now! I can walk further without hurting than standing, but eventually, I get the pain with either. I am out of practice and waiting anxiously for the temps to drop and the mosquitos to die down. The Harvey floods made them awful!

    1. Mosquitos are such a pain. I got bit on my shin when we were up in the mountains over 4th of July and there is still a red mark left from the stupid bite. I wish we had been able to keep going on some hikes this winter so I would get better at walking longer distances but too hot and too much smoke in the air. I know I can do 4 miles though! LOL

  3. All these savings really add up! Sounds like your husband is being very proactive with your new house! This should help keep him busy for awhile.

    1. I try to save in coupons, etc, what it costs to for gas to drive to the city :) Hopefully DH will have enough planning and stuff to do over the winter to keep busy. We'd like to have a lot of decisions already made to make the building process go smoother and hopefully less delays
