Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday blahs

I was not ready for it to be Monday today. Oh well, it's here whether I'm ready or not!  I spent most of yesterday helping DH with the boot bench. He was screwing the pieces together. I was helping hold pieces and hand him tools, glue, etc. It's together. Now he just needs to stain it.  It's a MONSTER! Big and heavy.  If we had built it for this laundry room we'd have flipped the seating part to the other side, but it's not so we didn't :). So, for now, when he sits, the coat rack above will be behind him.

DH just put our portable a/c unit away (he saved the box it came in). I think we are done with high temps now. Having that out of our small living room is nicer, too. We had an old small bookcase in the laundry room, with our shoes on it, that had been in the kids playroom when they were little. It was painted blue and red trim. Now I have to find somewhere for it! If I decide to keep it, I'll have to paint it for sure. I asked DD if she wanted it, but she doesn't. I suppose it could go in my office in the new house. I just really don't have room for it anywhere here in this house. I might check with our neighbor who works at the grade school. Maybe one of the teachers could use it for a bookcase in one of their classrooms for books or supplies.

Still quiet next door the past 2 days (guy's days off). He left at 10am yesterday and didn't get home until 9pm and today he left around noon, so will most likely be gone until tonight. I like it!

We're getting a good rain today. We haven't had to water the lawn in the past week, which will cut down on our water bill now. We haven't had to use the a/c, which will cut down on our electricity bill....until it gets too cold and we have to start turning on the heat. Then I'll have the huge bills again. Ugh.

Well, I need to finish my lunch break and go to the post office and drop off a form (apparently once a year they verify that you are still eligible for the free PO Box), buy some stamps and get a few things at the grocery store.


  1. Whatever will u do for entertainment if the neighbor moves out? lol

    1. I think we'll get a long just fine, LOL. Though I may not have as much to blog about haha! The peace and quiet that emanates from that house is awesome! least while it lasts.

  2. I'm eager to see some pictures of this boot bench. It sounds awesome!

    1. I'm going to wait until he gets done staining it :)

  3. Quiet next door is not a bad thing. I have generally quiet neighbors but do have families with teen age boys across the street. I get to see their comings and goings without having to deal with anything that goes along with those comings and goings!

    1. No, it sure isn't a bad thing. It's like we have a "normal" neighbor now. Our other neighbors across the field and behind us are quiet, too. The various families in a 4-plex down across from our corner are all quiet too.
