Thursday, March 19, 2015

Some things going right

The emergency food I ordered came this week. Looks like DH made some shelf space in the shop for it.  I ordered this from, as it was recommended to us by our neighbor.  At the time they were having a special if you ordered $200 you got a free case of vegetables.  Later in the week I got an email that the breakfast kit I had ordered was no longer in stock or going to be available, so that was removed from my order and all the rest was being shipped. My total was now $154, which then wouldn't qualify me for the free case of vegetables (a $114 value). I really did not expect to get it sent with my order. Much to my surprise they sent the free case anyway! Now, that is good customer service and as we do a little stocking up with this kind of food over the next few years, I will definitely be buying from them again.  I still need to figure out some breakfast food to buy that has this same long term shelf life.  I'll have to look through their website again.

I stopped at the dentist office yesterday and whew! Got the charges reversed to my FSA debit card and then ran through my CareCredit card. When she tried (twice) to charge the CareCredit it would not go through. Then I suggested I call and find out why (because I had more than enough available credit to use) but she said she would call for me. After a bit of a wait on hold she finally got to talk with someone who explained that she needed to choose one of the no interest payment options for it to go through. Very glad that it is now taken care of. I was stressing a bit over it since I found out. She was really sweet and helpful (as well as the other lady at the front desk who had to help her out a bit with getting the credit to run through).

Our home value is now showing higher again on Woohoo! We are now within $13k of what we owe, according to Zillow's value...and I highly doubt this value is as high as it really is. We have done a bunch of upgrades inside, including all the fencing and extra landscaping outside.  This summer, once we are in full bloom and looking as good as we get, I'm going to call a few realtors to get some estimates on what we could sell it for. I'm sure it will still be nowhere near where we'd need to be to have enough equity to put down on a new place, but it will be helpful (at least mentally) to know how close we are getting and it would be nice to know we are finally out of the negative, at least, even if we don't have enough equity to move yet.

Our younger (black) dog is doing really well on the food transition. I'm just taking it nice and slow, as he has plenty of his original food to use up. We're at half and half now and while he's always excited to eat, he seems even more so this week. He knows he's not supposed to come into the kitchen (they eat just outside the kitchen, between the kitchen and dining room.) but he's practically halfway into the kitchen bouncing up and down for me to get out of the laundry room and bring over his filled food bowl.  It'll be interesting to see how the yellow lab takes to it. He'll pretty much eat anything too, he's just not as exuberant about it LOL.

1 comment:

  1. overall good things for you. Hopefully the house value will continue to go up and up.
