Friday, March 20, 2015

A few Yays!

Yay for Friday! Yay for Spring! Yay for my daughter coming home today! Yay for having next Monday and Tuesday off work!

It's rainy and cloudy and dreary, but at least it's not cold and snowing.  DD will be home later this afternoon, sometime. She has to stop (again) at our friends auto repair shop on her way home. She keeps having the same problem with her oil gauge not working (it's been replaced like 2 or 3 times now) and now she keeps leaking anti-freeze now.  Hopefully friend can figure it out at some point and this car can last her through college and getting her back and forth to whatever internship she lands this summer. She already put about $1300 (it was a very good deal from friend) into some major engine work and we were hoping that would take care of problems and get her through college time with it.

I haven't mentioned our "crazy lady" neighbor in a long time (she lives kitty corner from the front of our property- the backside of her property borders a front corner of our property). We try to avoid her, but I guess yesterday DH and our good neighbor were outside at our fence/gate talking (about the stray chicken walking down the street!) and she came by (I guess she was trying to catch the chicken for the other neighbor who lost it) and proceeded (in her broken English) to tell my DH he needs to fix the corner of the road (on slumlords part of easement) and take a tree out (on slumlandord's property) that is growing roots under the pavement, etc. DH just laughed at her and told her to go talk to slumlandord - it's all on his property and it is his tenant who has been tearing it up the corner of the road with his truck. Then she says he needs to put gravel at the pot hole at the corner. He said why don't you go buy some and put it there. I spent my money and time for 20 years putting it there every year to maintain it.  You've never spent a dime in 20 years.  She just got mad at him, yelled and walked away. Not sure why it's always our problem to fix every damn thing in this neighborhood. Last year she told him she expected him to mow the grass on the side of the road (on her property) that is on the OTHER road that ours connects to!

No big plans for the weekend and two days off. DD and I will probably just do shopping, coffee and pie ;)  I still have a $50 Kohl's gift card to use. I think I will get a new blanket for our bed. I bought a cheap red one (for Christmas bedding) at Ross a few months ago. It is terrible. All the fuzz just keeps coming off onto all the other bedding. It needs to go - or at least only be used at Christmas time. There is red fuzz everywhere. I thought I would just keep using this blanket all year and for some dumb reason, when I was using some of those space saving vacuum bags I put the other blanket in one of them and now it's all sucked up inside a vacuum sealed bag LOL. I guess I could just get it out, let the air out, and take the blanket out and then reseal it, rather than buying another blanket.  And I would kind of like to use the $50 on some clothes for me. A new pair of jeans or capris, as least.  Ok... might have to rethink that plan.


  1. you certainly have more than your fair share of neighbour issues..enjoy the next few days with you dd.

    1. When we moved here (in 1989) 2 of our neighbors (a few houses away) were guys/friends DH worked with. The house directly in front of us was one of those guy's brothers. The house on the corner (the one now foreclosed/vacant) was a great couple who had a super nice lady who always worked out in her yard. At that time the drug dealers behind us were normal people with 3 young boys...and grandma (the well owner) lived behind them.

      Now it's a bunch of lowlifes and the rest of them want to bury their head under their pillows and pretend nothing is going on.

  2. Got to love the crazy neighbors, sorry I thought this woman lived down the street from me.....

    1. ya, it's kind of hard to explain. It's sort of down the street, the front of her property (and driveway access) is around the corner from our private road, but the back corner of her property borders the front corner of our property, which is where our private road runs past. She apparently thought for years that the part of our road that runs along the side of her property was also her property. Finally one day DH was like "see this marker stake?" that's where your property ends!"
