Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Gift ideas?

I need some advice and suggestions.  DH and I have a wedding to attend next month and I have no idea what to get the couple for a gift.  They are in their early 50's (2nd marriage for both), so obviously already have a house set up.  Plus, they are not close friends, so I am not really familiar with their likes and tastes (other than they are both down to earth, same income level, not showy or brand name types).

I haven't even been to a wedding in years. I don't know what is an appropriate amount to spend, let alone what I should get them for a gift. HELP!


  1. I hate weddings and try to avoid at all costs and only attend ones for close friends and family. In the past I used to give $50 because it was just me attending. If I bring a date I will give $100.

  2. I would say $75 to $100 range. Since they have an established home...what about a gift certificate to a nice restaurant or club?

  3. I would go with the gift card to a restaurant, or to somewhere like HomeGoods.

    We gave $300 cash to the wedding we went to on the weekend. It was a big do and it would have cost them $100 a plate, so we try to give enough to cover our meal, plus a little over. But that's us and we are in Canada.

  4. I always tend to go with something homemade - I cross-stitch a sampler, jazz up their wedding invitation and frame it, something like that. Quite frankly, the weddings in our families haven't even been lasting a year so i hesitate to give expensive gifts!!!

    I also like the idea of a restaurant gift card!

  5. When we got married one of the nicest gifts we received was a gift card for Bed, Bath and Beyond. We didn't use it right away but when we needed to get things like towels or something for our home we had it and it was a blessing to have at the time. When trying to decide how much to give I try to figure how much each plate would cost and I try to give a little more than that.
    Have fun at the wedding! :)

  6. Would a gift card to some place like Lowe's be appreciated? A teacher married a woman with her own home and he had a home, too. I think they mostly got Lowe's gift cards from other teachers and friends. This couple were grateful and using them all summer. You don't have to renovating to need things like mops, brooms, gal of paint, plus there are plants and such.

  7. Yes a gift card is nice, maybe to movies?

  8. I feel that cash is best for a wedding present. I give something small ($25 max) from their registry for the bridal shower. If they are not close, close friends $75 is a nice gift. When I have been strapped for cash, I gave $50, but I always gave something. Hubby and I are in a wedding this weekend and we plan on give $100.

  9. Thank you for all the suggestions. I have been leaning toward a Lowe's or Bed Bath and Beyond gift card, too. They actually live in a smaller town about 170 miles away, but the wedding is in our area, but I checked and both of those stores are in their town.

    Maybe I'm just old or my unsophistication is showing, but just in the last few years have I been hearing this idea that the gift must be equal to what they spend per plate on the reception. Just because someone decides to go all out with a huge fancy wedding and spend $100+ per plate, that means they deserve a more expensive gift than someone who went low budget or mid-range? I guess I just don't get it.

    Plus...I already spent a bunch when I was a bridesmaid at her first wedding years and years ago, LOL! We aren't close anymore, seen each other once in over 20 years and just reconnected on facebook the past few years. I guess I'm thinking a $50-$75 gift is my budget.

  10. Is that how it is now, you give a gift of as much as you think they spent per plate? I haven't been to a wedding in awhile and maybe I'm like you, old & unsophisticated, but that seems crazy to me as well.
