Friday, March 6, 2015

That didn't go as planned

Well, damn!When I had my dental work done last week I put it all on my flexible spending card/account. Insurance wouldn't cover it as it was considered cosmetic. I just got an email from my FSA administrator. They won't cover it either due to it being cosmetic (never mind that I hit my front teeth as a first grader and set forth this problem I've been dealing with all these years).  I never realized this would not be covered under my FSA money set aside. Now I have 75 days to pay back $1442.  I really didn't want to drain my savings of that all at once. If I had known it wasn't covered I would have put it on my Care Credit card and had some no interest payments over the next year.

I guess what I'll try first is to see if the dentist office can run a credit through on my FSA card and then rebill under my Care Credit card. Or run the charge on my Care Credit and reimburse me directly for the now duplicate payment on my account with them and I can write a check to the FSA company.  Hopefully one of those options will work and I can either way get this transferred to my Care Credit account and spread out the payments a bit. If I can't do any of this, then I'll just pay it out of my savings. My budgeting for what I put in my FSA account out of my paychecks did not include the now $162 a month I have to spend on dh's cholesterol medicine this year, so if I have to pay back the $1442 out of my savings I'll just be able to cover dh's meds each month with my FSA card and won't be $162 a month out of pocket.  It all comes out the same in the end. I just wanted control of when!


  1. I thought any medical/dental service provided by a licensed provider was covered by FSA accounts, but the last time I had one was long before Obamacare went into effect. What a hassle for you.

    1. Me too! Seems ridiculous that I could get $500 glasses frames covered if I wanted to, rather than buying $50 frames (what's the difference between the 2 frames? purely cosmetic in my opinion) but can't get this covered.

  2. here in Canada anything cosmetic we have to pay for ourselves as well.

    1. Here too for insurance purposes. I just didn't even think about it not being eligible for FSA. In my opinion contact lenses are cosmetic compared to glasses but they are covered. Oh well. It'll all come out money wise the same in the end.
