Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I have no green

I got online yesterday and was like "what's all this St Patrick's Day stuff?" and realized it was already March 17th! I've never really gotten the whole St. Patrick's Day hoopla.  I don't drink, I don't like corn beef and cabbage and green really isn't in my wardrobe. I certainly don't get the money that is spent each year on all the stuff out in the stores. Oh well.

DD is happy to have her dorm room to herself the rest of the week. Her roomie had all her finals Monday morning and then flew home. DD's finals were yesterday and this Friday, so at least she'll have some peace and quiet to get some last minute studying and down time. She got a little testy with me Monday, which I'm sure is from the stress.  On Saturday I had sent her a text asking if she had made a dentist appointment (6 months ago) for her spring break, because if she did, she'll need to cancel it since she won't be here most of it. She said she did. I sent her a reminder email Monday (knowing she didn't actually have any tests that day) to call and change it and she gave me this kind of snippy email that she is trying to study, her appointment isn't until May, so it doesn't need to be done this week. I just replied back "ok. You told me it was during your break. Never mind then".

A couple hours later she called me at work and apologized for her email. She said she thought the appointment was during break but later checked and found out it was May and then didn't tell me that. I said that I knew she was very busy this week and reminded her because if she forgot to call and change it I'd be the one paying the no-show fee!

Work is going ok. Getting lots done, at least, though cutting big bonus checks to the 4 managers yesterday was a bit of a reminder......The dang IRS audit from my side job is finally over. It has gone on since last May! And they hardly found anything. It's like she couldn't find anything substantial so then kept asking for more and more, trying to find something. In the end, we owe about $400 in taxes for a missed 1099-INT.

I was supposed to have a dental appointment this morning to get my permanent porcelain veneers put on. I just got a phone call (right before I was going to leave) asking if I got their message yesterday about my appointment. Oops. I saw that we had a voicemail (I get emails of the voicemail, too) but didn't read or listen to it because I thought it was their usual day before reminder. My veneers haven't come in yet, so they need to reschedule.  After I hung I up went to delete the unheard voicemail and there was no message telling me it needed to be rescheduled! It was just the reminder message.

I'm still going to stop in their office later today, when I need to run over to Target and pick up a prescription. I need to get this FSA problem figured out and if they can refund my FSA debit card and rebill my CareCredit card, then I'll need to be there in person anyway to give them my cards. I am HOPING this is what they can do.

Here is my new bench/picnic table in it's home.  DH sprayed it with weatherproofing and now it was ready to go outside to get rained on.
I'm dying to plant the flowers beneath the lattice and see if they actually grow! I have the seed packets - just waiting until next month - apparently the best time to plant them. I'm also going to put some hanging baskets on each end. Maybe that's what I'll end up using my Walmart Savings Catcher money for in May - flowers!


  1. Is that your grass? It's so green. We're all brown here and I'm ready for a little green.

    1. Yes, that is our grass. No shortage of rain here! It'll stay green through June and we have to water July and August or it will turn brown.

  2. I am envious of your green grass, ours is a dirty brown colour and in some places still covered in snow!!
