Sunday, February 15, 2015

Sunday ramblings

Hope everyone had a happy Valentine's Day. It's always a very low key holiday for us. We just had Christmas in December and then in January our anniversary (where I already got flowers) and then my birthday. Valentines Day is usually pretty much just another day for us.

I went grocery shopping in the morning - by myself.  DD already had plans to go with her boyfriend to look at the townhouse he put an offer on. Kind of strange on that listing. It was apparently at $90k with no offers and got lowered to $85k. Now there are 3 offers on it and DD's BF had to put in a higher offer at $95k! Funny it sits at $90k with no offers and now they'll get $95 or more. It's still a really good price for around here. I guess it is a foreclosure.

After groceries I went in search of some specific brand of transmission fluid DH needs, because he's going to flush the transmission himself on his truck. Walmart didn't carry it, so I stopped at the nearby auto parts store. I didn't see it there either, but decided to ask and glad I did because they had it in back. But, they didn't have some clear 3/8" plastic tubing DH needed 6 feet of. DH said try the pet store. They had some but it wasn't marked the diameter size. Looked 3/8 to me LOL....but it wasn't even close haha. So, after unloading and putting away my groceries I went to the hardware store. I actually found the tubing all by myself - in big rolls where you cut off the length you need.  While I was there I also picked up a piece of dowel rod for the wishing well.

When I got back home DD and her boyfriend were back and they spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out with us until they went out to dinner with some friends.  DH got the wishing well finished with a handle and added some trim to the edge of the well.  Can't wait to put flowers in it!

This whole thing cost $4! Except for the dowel rod it was all scrap pieces we already had.

Saw the first sign of Spring when I was out putting some bird suet in the feeder hanging in my flowering plum tree
One bloom came out on the tree yesterday. My very favorite tree when in bloom. We are supposed to have nice warm weather this week, so I imagine it will be in full bloom soon. A couple of weeks early I think. These trees are everywhere around our area and so pretty when they are all in bloom. But, they are such a tease! We get 2 weeks of beautiful pink (or white on the dogwoods) flowers and then they are gone and we are left thinking "hey....where'd Spring go?!"  while we wait another month or two for Spring to actually arrive.

So far, I am the only one up this morning - besides the dogs, the parakeets and the restless cat. He scratches at DD's bedroom door, so I open it for him and he walks away. He's such a cat.

If DD has some free time today we'll go do a little shopping. A few things needed at Target on sale and I'd like to look at Michaels and see if they have the yarn I need for this blanket I am making. I bought 2 skeins at Joann's and got it started and figured that would give me an estimate of how many more I needed. I ordered 14 more (I'm doubling the yarn) from a place online on Wednesday. They charged my debit card right away but apparently still haven't shipped it. Grrrr.... I might buy a couple more at Michaels, if they have any (Joanns only had 3 left when I bought the 2) so I can keep working on it and then when the rest comes in, if I have more I could use my receipt and take a couple back to Joanns or Michaels.

Except DD has already hinted, and then asked, if she could have this blanket when I am done! I've only got 8 inches done so far but it looks like it will be nice and super chunky and cozy. So, I'll have to make another one for me - haha! but it's actually a bit chunkier than I envisioned, so I'll try making the next one without doubling up on the yarn. I am using Red Heart Grande yarn and it's pretty thick, especially when doubled up.

I think I'll go make some blueberry muffins for breakfast.  That should wake them up smelling that.

I found a new show to watch. It's on Amazon video and it's a new series Amazon put out called Bosch - based on the books by Michael Connelly.  I have been listing to his Michael Holler series on audio books and Bosch is a recurring character in this series, but has his own series of books, which I had planned to listen to once I got through these other books. I'm liking the tv series. They have the whole season loaded and I'm on episode 4 already. I like the actor. He's the guy who played the Irish gun leader in Sons of Anarchy.

Speaking of Amazon video - the Amazon Fire tv sticks are finally back in stock so I ordered one yesterday. I had $15 in Amazon gift cards (from Swagbucks and other rewards) so it only cost me $25. I hope it will work well. I can't get our blu-ray dvd player to stream anything anymore and I'd like to watch these shows on tv rather than my little ipad mini.


  1. good price on the townhouse, lot more expensive around here.........

  2. So nice to see flowers blooming on your blog. Here it is (with the wind chill) -29(Celsius). Spring can't get here fast enough.

    The price on the townhouse is crazy!!!! Here they start at $200000. And that is for an old one in not so desirable neighbourhoods.

    Have a great week.
