Sunday, February 8, 2015

Pizza Pie

I have been making my own pizza the past couple of years. It's delicious and has made us not even want delivery pizza anymore. I've been using a $5 metal pizza pan I bought at Target but a couple of months ago I decided to get a new pan and for $15 bucks I got this stoneware one from Walmart

Oh my! I really does make the pizza better. The crust has always been so good but with this type of pan it's even better.

                                    I'm not too good at making a perfectly round pizza

                                 These were my advisors during the pizza making :) Black pup knows they aren't allowed in the kitchen but I guess he figures as long as the tip of his tail is still outside the kitchen he qualifies.
Ready to go into the oven.  My half has Canadian bacon added, cuz as far as I'm concerned the more stuff the better

Yummy! This was our dinner Friday night....and the leftovers last night.


  1. the "dirtier" it gets the more seasoned it is. I have two and love them. Just remember to wipe it down don't put it in water.

    1. I didn't realize to not even put water on it. I thought my directions said water was ok, but no soap. I'll have to give just wiping it off a try.

  2. That looks absolutely delicious! I'm a huge Canadian bacon fan, but DH does not eat pork anymore so we go completely vegetarian on pizza. If I wasn't having the kids over for dinner tonight (and cooking pork ribs and roast beast), we might be having pizza.

    1. The crust is so easy - it's just 12 Rhodes dinner rolls thawed out!
