Friday, February 20, 2015

A good Friday

YAY!!! I now have Netlflix and Amazon video streaming to my television.....I'm doing the happy dance.....I told myself one way or the other I was going to get this figured out. My last resort was I was going to try a new router.

My IT guy at work figured it out from all the info I kept feeding him the past 2 days. I told him there was an advanced settings menu for accessing the network and he gave me some info to try and enter (ip, gateway, dns....all stuff I don't have a clue what it is) in there and voila! it worked. I owe him.  I probably drove him nuts the past couple of days.  I'll have to make him some cookies or something.

Later this afternoon I have an appointment with my hairdresser to get my hair cut and colored, so that will be nice to get done.  Next Tuesday is my dental appointment to get the 2 porcelain veneers on my teeth #7 & 8 and that will be very nice to finally get done. I'll look and feel like a new person :)

We won't be seeing DD again until her Spring break in a month. She is going to spend part of this weekend with her best friend, at her college, which is about an hour or so drive from DD's college. Then next weekend her boyfriend is taking her for a weekend getaway to a quaint location (I'm jealous!). Then part of spring break week they are taking a trip with some of his friends and will be gone 5 days.  A better offer was made on the townhouse he wanted, so he didn't get that and is back to looking again.

Not much planned for the weekend. It's supposed to be sunny and 60 again. The lawn is almost needing mowing already! I will probably just grocery shop, do some house cleaning, work on my knitting project and another DIY project I have started.....if I can figure out how to run the sewing machine - ha! It's actually my daughter's (though I do know how to sew, somewhat). My mom gave it to her when she was younger. It's never gotten used much and I think I might have used it once years ago, so I'm not familiar with how this works and settings. Guess I'll have to get out the manual.

Apparently DH's computer/email got a virus and sent out spam emails to all his contact list.  Great - just one more thing to try and figure out :/  I just ran a complete scan with our virus program and it says it found 2 things and cleaned them up, so hopefully that took care of the problem. I am too worn out trying to figure out my tv stick to deal with this too.

Oh, and I reserved Game of Thrones Season 3 from the library and it's finally in, so I'll stop and pick that up after I get my hair cut. That's keep me busy this weekend.


  1. you sound really busy. Have a quiet weekend. Still bitter cold and a lot of snow here.

    1. I don't envy your weather at all. Stay warm and hope you guys get some relief soon!

  2. My lawn is under a few feet of snow.

    Sounds like email was hacked...not virus. He needs to change his password.

    1. Yes, we changed his passwords on emails and Facebook, so hopefully no more problems

  3. Get a Mac, way better and more secure than windows

    1. I probably should get him a Mac (when this one finally dies) - he always seems to get virus. He just hates change, so I'm not sure if he'd like trying to figure out the differences in a Mac
