Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year

While dh was out shoveling and plowing yesterday, I got busy un-decorating the upstairs. Thankfully my organized dh had put all the "upstairs" bins in one stack in the "Christmas closet" so I didn't have to sort through the bins to get the upstairs ones. We got smart after last Christmas and labeled the bins UP and DOWN. I still had some energy left, so I took the small plastic tote bin that holds the ornaments for the dining room tree downstairs and got that tree cleaned off of ornaments.

After that I was a bit tired and my back hard started hurting, (as usual), so I went and took a nap. The dog and cat (as usual) joined me. DH was out cleaning the floor in the garage, where after our trip to the city, he parked in the garage and then all the dirty ice and snow melted off the car and made a mess. 

I took out the frozen dinner rolls to thaw out, for the pizza dinner. The pizza was ok, but the dough was kind of soggy. I think I sprayed too much cooking oil spray on the pan. But, dh said it tasted good to him.

I was going to take a picture of the river, where it's getting more and more ice and send it to dd and then saw a bald eagle fly in a circle over it a couple times. I switched it to video and captured it doing a couple of fly overs, trying to find a fish. Just before that second fly over you can see a fish jump in the water. Of course soon after I shut the video off, he caught a fish and flew off.

I've been trying to finish a book that's half holding my interest. I haven't found a lot good to read lately and when I do I finish it quickly. We ended up watching The Sandlot last night. It was over at 10pm and I went to bed. No staying up past midnight for me. Honestly, it's just another day/night for me, except now I have to remember to put 2022 instead of 2021.

We really want to watch the new show 1883 on Paramount +, but it will just not stream without constantly buffering. I keep seeing so many complaining of this on their Facebook page. The app just doesn't work for a lot of people, it appears. I have no trouble with any other streaming service, one of which we have is Amazon Prime Video. I see they offer the Paramount + channel and right now it's .99 cents/mo for 2 months. I think I'm going to sign up for that and see if we can watch it that way. That's assuming it's streamed through Prime and not the added Paramount + app. I'm going to give it a try. If not, I guess I'm out $1.98.

Today dh will bring down the bins for all the downstairs decorations and I'll get the rest put away. It's -1 degrees out this morning and looks like it's going to be a blue sky day.  He plans to start taking down the Christmas lights outside.

I don't feel ready to go back to work on Monday, LOL. DD and SIL's company goes back on Tuesday, so they are getting an extra day. Luckies.



  1. Happy New Year. We weren't part animals either but enjoyed with family and a few friends of my sister's. The holidays are truly done now and life resumes.

  2. Lucky you getting to see a bald eagle so close! So beautiful! And happy new year to you and your family from France!

  3. The eagle was stunning to watch. It just hit 80F degrees here! I may just leave the tree up at this rate. I feel too sick to get the boxes for Tommy.

  4. Happy New Year to you & your family!
    I have Paramount plus & it's the worse streaming service I've come across. I got it for .99 a month for a year.
    It constantly buffers & I almost have to restart it 99% of the time. It's a pain but worth. 99 / month, I guess.

    1. it really is the worst streaming service. I can't imagine making a major show like 1883, to go off the success of Yellowstone, and putting it out on a terrible service like that.

  5. Happy New Year!! I love the video.. The lake is SO beautiful with al that snow and then ofcourse the eagle just makes it perfection..I feel the same way about New Years as you do. For some reason I always have. To me it's just a flip on the calendar you know...
    I bought a book last month written by Karen Grassel the one who played Ma on Little House On The Prairie and I was SO looking forward too it.. well, it's an absolute snooze fest. So that's going in the pile to be sold or donated.

    I haven't started un decorating yet. We usually wait until January 6th The Epiphany and I start taking things down on the 7th...

    Happy New Year friend!
