Friday, January 28, 2022

Friday off work

Ok, 2 blogs is definitely more time consuming, haha. I got the one post done this morning, but then it was time to leave for the vet appointment, so I didn't get this one done.

I told dh like 4 times the appointment was at 10:45. It usually doesn't take more than 45 minutes to get there. For some reason he kept thinking 10:30. At 9:30 he says are you ready to leave. I'm like NO! I'm not going to sit in the car for a half hour waiting for our appt. time! I said the very earliest I want to leave is 9:45. Geez! Then he tries to tell me, well I don't know how the roads are! I called BS on him -he always knows how the roads are - every single day, even though we go out like once a week, LOL.

Of course we got their 10 minutes early. They came out and got the dog right at 10:45 and had his stitches out in just a few minutes and brought him back out. 

Then dh decided to go through the car wash. We did the "works" with the coating and undercoating this time. The car really needed a good washing and since the roads were bare and dry it was a good day to do it. Then we filled up with gas and went to the grocery store. I didn't get a ton of stuff, but we left the dog in the car and dh came in. He went down the water and soda aisle and grabbed those things, while I grabbed the cheeses, so that helped get us in and out of there faster, splitting up, some. I haven't had Rice Krispies cereal in forever and that sounded good. NONE, empty on the cereal shelf for that. Their water selection was pretty sad as well as I had to get a different kind of lunch meat than I usually get. Even the shredded cheese was low stock and I ended up having to get an expensive brand. 

It was almost lunch by then so we did Wendy's drive through and headed home. Going to this vet, instead of that one out in the country, saves a total of 40 minutes driving, as well as we can also get other errands done, that we cannot do in that other little town the vet is in. It's just handier all around.

After we got home I made a cake. I guess you can say it's my birthday cake :). Then I took a nap for about an hour. I haven't frosted it yet, but will do that after I'm done with this post.

DD reminded me that the new season 2 of Resident Alien just started, so I'm going to watch that tonight. Hopefully it's as good and funny as season 1.

Since we had a good lunch that filled us up, I think maybe we'll just do sandwiches tonight for dinner. Dh decided to take a nap right when I would normally get dinner started, so he's obviously still not too hungry yet.


  1. Season 2 of Resident Alien came on Wednesday here. Does your dog seem hesitant to go with the vet person? Does the dog seem to recognize you have taken him to a place that he does not want to go?

    1. yes, I think the show is on Wednesday nights now. I forgot it was starting last week, but have it on record, so I can watch it anytime. The dog has no problem going to the vet, LOL. He was happy to go with the vet tech into the office, tail wagging :)

  2. The new variant of omicron has no respiratory issues or symptoms, just gastrointestinal problems.

    1. well, then if we got it it was no big deal. The people I know who have gotten it the past couple of weeks all said they felt like they had a bad cold.

    2. The new one, BA.2, I think, is all gastro stuff.
