Sunday, January 9, 2022

Sunday morning coffee chat

The hired carpenter guy got the 4 access panels cut in installed into the ceiling of the garage. They look nice and better than dh would have done, LOL. DH would have just cut the openings in the drywall and then framed that piece of drywall back as the cover. This guy bought some nicer looking sanded plywood and the whole cover is wood (which will be stained) with a wood frame. He's a nice guy - mid 30's, I'd say. His parents live up on the mountainside across us. They are all also from where we used to live and moved here shortly before we did and built their home up there. A flat out spectacular amazing view....but in the winter....right now there's 40" of snow up there and it's a very long dirt road up there. Almost impossible to get in and out in this weather. He said they both retired this past year and right now are down south traveling because they are tired of the snow and trying to get in and out of their place, LOL. Son said he told them, then why'd you build on top of a mountain?? LOL. 

Son lives down in the valley, near town. He had a little flyer where his son, in elementary school, is selling candy for his music class, so I ordered a couple different ones. DH had brought the folder inside to show me to order and I took it upstairs to look at and where my checkbook is. As I'm filling out my name and address and what I am ordering, I realize the papers smell like cigarette smoke. It brought back memories of my in-laws, who both smoked. Every single thing that came from their house smelled like smoke. Blech! LOL. When we used to spend any length of time at their house we'd get home and take showers just to wash the smell from our hair and change our clothes. While both lived pretty long lives (she was 85 and he 80) with all the smoking, needless to say, she spent the last 5 or 6 years of her live with one lung and on oxygen. He had a couple heart/artery surgeries.

I was able to get my snickerdoodles made and done by 1:30, which is good because by then I was out of zip. I have decided to give up trying to make cookies anymore. No matter what kind they always turn out flat. They taste great - just all flat. I remember I used to make these cookies a lot in high school and the were not flat - and they crinkled on top. I guess I just need to stick to brownies, cakes, and banana bread, which I'm good at. I also texted young neighbor down the street for her recipe of the "Toffee Butter Crunch" that was so good. Looks a bit more difficult then the white chocolate bark I made, but it was so good, I'll have to give it a try. This recipe needs a candy thermometer or do the cold water test, neither of which I have ever done, haha. DD also wanted the recipe, so maybe I'll let her try it first and let her tell me how hard it is, LOL.

Plus, I think I ate too much cookie dough and cookies while baking. Ended up the rest of the afternoon and evening not feeling so good.  

We are considering having this carpenter guy put in the bookshelves I want upstairs along the wall in the walkway between the rooms and the bonus room. He said he loves doing bookshelves. I don't need anything fancy, I just want a long (very long) bookcase built in on the wall and dh just keeps pushing off doing it himself because he really doesn't know how to do much woodwork type stuff. I have tried to find some to just buy, but it's a weird height there, as the wall is short and the ceiling is low on the sides, as basically everything upstairs is really just attic space. In dh's re-organizing in garage and shop he also got together a bunch of the leftover building supplies, about 2 bins worth, together and is going to give to this carpenter guy. Boxes of nails and what not. At the time we were building dh figured, hey, we paid for this stuff, I'm going to keep it, rather than just letting the builder take. We did use some of it in our projects, but mostly we are done now, so have no need for what's left. The carpenter guy didn't have room for it in his truck, so he will come back another time and pick up. DH said he seemed really appreciative that dh would just give him this stuff for free.

After dh cleaned up all the mess in the garage from the construction, dinner was just some clam chowder soup, a ham and cheese sandwich and some pears. I just had the soup, as my stomach was already full of cookies, haha.

I read some more of a long book I'm reading. Then watched a couple episodes of Who's Line is it Anyway. Not sure if this show is still going on or these are just old reruns, but always enjoyed this show for laughs.

I don't know what I'm doing today. I got my laundry done yesterday, too. I might see if dh wants to go into town to the grocery store. We are out of bananas and almost out of milk. Maybe we'll go later afternoon and then can pick up some of their baked chicken from the deli to have for dinner. Their chicken has always been good, but I'm noticing with the new owners, they are getting even more food offered in their deli, which is nice. Baked chicken is a newer addition. 

I've been checking back online with Kohl's to see if they are offering any free shipping to use up my gift card and $10 Kohl's cash and I see this morning they are offering with $35 purchase, so now is the time to figure out what to buy. I guess that is what I am doing today - as Lord knows, it will take me all day to figure out what to buy!



  1. The previous owners of my house left a huge wooden unit in the basement - which my ex filled with all kinds of nuts, bolts, and "thingies" to do with DIY - which he rarely did. So I told my son (useful son, as opposed to useless son) to look there before he bought anything and take what he wanted. There is a ton of stuff and it all costs, so I'm sure your carpenter was truly grateful. And as for making cookies, I'm with you. They always taste great but they look like dog vomit (or worse) in the oven!

    1. it's annoying! I want them to look good too, haha. Especially if I want to share them, then I can't because they look ridiculous.

  2. When I make my chocolate chip cookies (toll house recipe) I add about 1/2 cup extra flour so my cookies were not flat. That would work with your snicker doodles also.

    1. I will try that. One reason I read was the butter was too soft, but mine was barely soft when I mixed it up

  3. I like to make "cookies" by just spreading the whole batch into a baking dish! Then cut into bats. So much easier. And faster!

  4. in defense of your cookies - they are edible, the looks don't matter :p it is nice that the carpenter guy is reliable - i know that has been hard to find in your neck of the woods for sure. anyone in the trades is always appreciative of free stuff in good condition, so i am glad they're going to a good home per se!

    1. dh says they are good and he only usually likes chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies. It's really hard to find trades people around here. He said that dh is one of 3 people he has best liked to work for, so when dh called he dropped what he had planned for Saturday to come do our job.

  5. I think I would have to grab a handful of each kind of nail or gadget to keep for that odd time he needs a nail or two. I miss having nails here. if someone wanted to give me ugly, homemade cookies, I certainly would not worry about the looks.

    1. I'm sure dh probably has some. He has oodles of nails and nuts and bolts.

  6. Bonus day for you (and the carpenter guy and also your dh, depending on how you look at it!) with getting rid of things you won't need. I've been telling my dh what I've been dropping off at the thrift store and now he is getting more on board with minimizing what we have. We aren't hoarders by a long shot but definitely could do with less.

    1. dh is a hoarder but he's also a neat freak, so I think the neat freak is a tiny bit winning in this battle of his shop, LOL.

  7. You know, for the past several years or so, I have felt like my cookies have spread too much, to the point that no matter what recipe I use, I add 1/2 cup of flour and 1/2 tsp of baking powder. I also make sure I get the butter and sugar very well creamed, and beat the eggs for a good while before adding the flour mixture.
    I am not sure if the spread is because of newer cookie sheets, or flour, or, well, who knows. Like you, though, it's only been happening in the past several years.

    1. Yes, I have felt the same way. Nothing I seem to try makes a difference. I have gotten new (nice) cookie sheet and it was worse. I have tried using butter, I have tried using margarine. The only thing I can think of is back when I was younger I usually had to mix cookie dough by hand with a wooden spoon, no fancy kitchenaid mixer, so I'm sure the ingredients weren't as well blended as the mixer does. Might have to give the old hand mixing a try!

    2. I DO know that the beautiful, brand new, insulated cookie sheets DH bought me at Costco shortly before Christmas one year at Costco caused my cookies to flatten horribly no matter what, to the point that I wound up throwing the cookies out. I vividly remember baking with the youngest, and being so disappointed that we also tossed the sheets in the trash after the cookies, and drove straight to the local hardware store to buy some cheapie sheets, to return home and bake another batch. The results were much better. In October, DH upgraded those cookie sheets to USA Bakeware sheets (also bought at Costco.)Results are fine, but still not the puffy and fluffy cookies I remember. (I *always* use parchment paper. Also, rack should be on the highest spot, and oven should be preheated for a good while before the cookies go in. At least, that's the advice I've gotten. Anyway, I thought it was only me!)

  8. Have you tried a silicone baking mat? I use one for all my cookie recipes and never have spreading.

    1. No, I've never tried one of those. Maybe I need to invest in one of those

      These are the mats I'm currently using. Just as good as the Silpat brand I've had in the past, but much more economical.

    3. thanks for the link. I think I might get those to try.
