Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Wednesday what not

I don't think I mentioned this, but I think 2 or 3 years ago I had mentioned my friend, who lives in another state, was separated from her husband of 35 years after finding out he was cheating on her. They never did reconcile, nor did they divorce. He passed away from Covid (but he had another serious health condition that most likely caused him to have Covid so bad) a few months ago. We have always exchanged Christmas gifts. Just little things, though this year I did send her a nice set of the wind chimes I love. Her gifts to us arrived yesterday. Her dh had had a collection of die cast stuff he collected for years and he never took it with him (apparently he told his sister he felt they were safer leaving them). She picked out a few and sent them to dh in the gift package. She knew he would appreciate them and she knew there is no one else her dh would have wanted to have some of his favorites. DH was very touched.

She was supposed to come and visit us for about 5 days last September, but Covid got worse and so did traveling, then her (ex-ish) dh was in the hospital, so she canceled the trip. We are really hoping she can make it out this coming spring or summer.

DH's quad/plow repair part he is still waiting on is supposed to be in today's mail. Good thing because we got another 4 inches of new snow last night and still snowing a bit off and on this morning.

I finally decided what to use one of my gift cards on. I have been wanting a floor lamp for the upstairs sitting loft for a year now. Just could not decide what to get. Everything I'd click on that I liked was like $500 (rolling eyes). Finally, after much searching yesterday and deliberating, I decided on this one for $200 (the amount of the gift card). The base of it kind of matches the little side table I have in between the 2 chairs. I think it will look ok with it all.

Mostly, I am just glad to finally have decided what to use the gift card on and finally decided on what lamp for that area, haha.

My boss is sick. I guess she got sick over New Years. Tested 4 times for Covid - all negative. Started feeling better and now today, feeling bad again. She can't even get into a doctors office. Tried and the line at the urgent care clinic near her was around the block. I told her to see if she can get a telehealth type visit through her doctor or our insurance plan (I think they offer nurse type tele health consults). 

As we have snow on the roof again, dh is seeing where we are still having insulation issues. UGH!! So tired of it. The insulation guy was supposed to come a long time ago and of course never got back to dh. He's supposed to get with our HVAC guy (who actually used to own the insulation company and sold it to this guy) and figure out what to do to fix this. DH called him Monday and he did call dh back and said he will be out in about 3 weeks. Then he called yesterday and said he has now also talked to hvac guy and it sounds like they might both be out, together, fix this, sooner than that. To get up into the attic area over the garage dh will need to cut some access squares in the garage ceiling in a couple of spots. He decided to call the young guy that he had hired to help do the roof trusses and roofing on the shed/chicken coop. He is going to come and help dh with that on Saturday, so that is awesome. It's just too much for dh to try to do himself and this guy is really handy and dh liked him a lot.



  1. More than once I wondered about your friend. While I'm sorry her husband died I hope she gets any financial benefit out of being his widow rather than the mistress. Cynical, maybe, but .... And I hope she finally gets to come and visit you. She's been through a lot these past couple of years and I wish her well!

    1. It's really been a struggle for her the past few years. She is doing ok being on her own, though. She got a new job last summer and has been able to keep her house, which I know in the beginning she didn't think she would be able to do. I hope she can find some peace of mind moving forward.

  2. As you are about my age, I'm making assumption your friend is still quite young. I hope she is able to build a fruitful remining years of life. It was quite thoughtful of her to send the gift. You like the rustic look it seems. The lamp reminds me of other items you've shared.

    1. yes, she is late 50's. I think she will be ok. She had just gotten her AA degree before they split up, so that has helped her confidence and job marketability. I do like rustic/lodge look - kind of fits with this house in the mountains :)
