Thursday, January 20, 2022

Thursday this and that

After the busyness of this week, today's post seems pretty anticlimactic. LOL. Not much going on or to write about. Maybe stuff will come to me to chat about as I start typing (which happens often). I was just downstairs making dh an egg sandwich and wrapping it in foil...and thought to myself "I swear I ordered a new roll of foil with my grocery order yesterday" but no foil. I need to check my order to make sure I wasn't charged for it. Maybe it was one of the items out to begin with and I didn't catch it. If so, then I still need to find 3 things Walmart was out of: mayo (only Best Foods or Hellman's if you live east, LOL), canned sliced pears, and foil.

Weird, I just got on my Walmart account to look at my order yesterday and it shows not picked up yet (though I got a text right after I picked up that it was). I was getting low on baking powder. I didn't realize the can I ordered was huge! It was only $2.72 so I guess I just assumed it was the normal size I've always gotten, that last me a long time. This huge 22 oz can will last me forever.

This cat! OMG! he's just nuts now. He spent most of the evening sleeping in my lap and I'm thinking oh good, he's calming down now. Then he woke up and again, wouldn't stop terrorizing the dog, who bless his sweet heart, just kept getting up and moving to a new spot to sleep. At one point I looked over to the side of me (I was sitting in the recliner) and kitty was laying up next to the patio door (after just pouncing on pup, who got up and moved) and while kitty looked all calm and relaxed, just the tip of his tail was moving and as I'm thinking to myself (and go to turn my face away from looking) - "that can't be a good sign" kitty launches 3-4 feet to my chair and swats me and runs off. He's nuts.

Mom's medication dispenser does have one annoying aspect to it. It constantly sends reminders (on her screen) and to the app I have that a med is running low. It's not! Geez Louise, I just 3 weeks ago filled 4 of the 5 meds with 90 day supply of pills. Then Monday I filled the last one up (that still have 14 pills in in the cup). Now I'm getting notifications that one of the ones I put 90 in 3 weeks ago is low and it's not. And apparently there is no way to turn these notifications off. Of course my mom sees the notification on the screen on the dispenser so has to ask me all the time, because she doesn't remember.

I ordered the dog some more of the Cosequin DS I give him. I had to change to Chewy and didn't realize what I was ordering was actual pills, not the chewables. Of course he spits them right out. GrRR. I'll try getting them in a hot dog piece, but with the size of them, he will still spit them out - and still eat the piece of hot dog.

It's supposed to be snowing all day today, but as usual the weather is rarely what they say it's going to be. I had to chuckle about a FB post a friend shared (where they don't get too cold or much snow) from a Pet shelter she follows "it's cold out - be careful of freezing ears and paws when you let your pets out to pee". oh good grief - they are not going to freeze their ears or paws to go outside for a few minutes to pee. If that were the case our dog(s) and neighbors dogs would be frozen popsicles! Neighbors dogs have their outdoor run from their doggy door and they are outside all the time. And it hasn't been above freezing for weeks.

Ok, I guess I found a bunch of nothing to chat about here in this post. Back to work. oh...I just looked out the window and now it is snowing, LOL.


  1. Try putting the pup's pill with peanut butter. That might work.
    It sounds like the kitty went right in to puberty. :)

    1. I'll give PB a try, but I have a feeling he'll just lick the peanut butter off the pill, LOL.

  2. Oh that Amos! Sounds like he is Jekyll and Hyde.

    1. Just since Monday, haha! I told dh this morning that hes apparently not going to forgive me for having his family jewels removed.

  3. My dog will suck everything off a pill and spit out the pill. Including PB, cheese, & meat. We just have to do it the "hard way" every night. I open her mouth and stick it down her throat. She doesn't mind.

    1. My dog is pretty much the same way. I just ordered the chewable pills, the kind I have always given him and he eats them with no problems. I'm not going to force 2 pills down him every day, when there are chewables, LOL.

  4. It’s taking a few days for Amos to calm down after his op! He will do eventually - I’ve had many neutered males. They still go a bit beserk when fed raw meat, particularly kidney which they adore.

    1. I hope he does, LOL. He does seem to be calming down more and more, not quite so hyper - as often, but when he is hyper he's nuts, haha.

  5. I have a drug addict dog and loves pills, lol, so no help from me. That kitty!

  6. His surgery won't calm down a crazy kitty. He will have to grow out of the kitty stage. But, he won't be roaming for a girl cat, fighting, or being a boy. This was not magic surgery.

    I looked for foil today. Store brand is too flimsy. I did not want heavy duty or non-stick. There was only one roll of regular foil. I grabbed it. And, I wanted Reynolds.

    1. he was calm before the surgery, now he's a crazy cat, LOL. He got over all his kitty antics after the first couple months of having him.

    2. Just curious, what don't you like about the non-stick Reynolds wrap? I buy the non-stick (store brand) all the time and really like it!

    3. Oh, I have the non-stick and love it when I need it. I just want the regular kind when I don't need non-stick.It's more expensive, so I try to limit my use.

    4. I buy store brand regular foil and find it to be fine. One time I bought a store brand, I think it was like Walmart's cheapest generic, but not their brand, and it was thin and flimsy.

  7. I'd make a suggestion to the manufacturer of the drug dispenser regarding this annoyance. I think it would be good feedback for them.

    1. I was going to suggest that, too. There may be something they can do to remedy the situation.

    2. that's a good idea. They have been very helpful the couple of times I needed to call for help.
