Sunday, January 30, 2022

Looking ahead to spring

I know we're still a long way from Spring weather, LOL, but the lengthening days are getting me anxious for it. I'm sure it will still be awhile before the snow melts and we can see the green lawn again and have the ground thaw out. I've been wondering how soon, when spring weather/thaw permits, we will be seeing the new owner of the 2 lots next to us get started with site work. That day we talked to the couple, just before they purchased it, they made it sound like they were going to have to sell their house out of state first, before they can start building this one. After 4 months on the market, that house has not sold yet. They have not dropped the price, either. Though the guy did say he has some of his own construction equipment, so it's most likely he will be doing the site work himself. He mentioned something about having it all stored somewhere, so I'm guessing it's all going to end up parked on these lots.....whether he's using the equipment or not. 

The other change come spring is Mrs. Neighbor will be retiring in May and home most of the time then. She has been home 2 or 3 weeks now from her surgery and 6 weeks off work, but honestly, I haven't noticed much decline in the normal amount of dog barking that goes on over there. But, it's just the usual, because a delivery truck pulls in or her dh gets home. We're hoping, once she's home/retired, we won't have those occasional days of endless barking, because no one is home to give them attention and tell them to stop barking. One can hope, right? 

As we were heading to the city on Friday and pass our young neighbors place who live at the end of street, dh commented that 2 years of them building their detached garage and another separate large shed has gone on long enough, don't you think? I thought it was last March they started, but after thinking about it it was 2 years ago this March! Getting a bit ridiculous to have to look at unfinished buildings with Tyvek still on them. That's not how this neighborhood, with it's covenants on building, was supposed to look. You are supposed to get your building done in a timely manner and any separate buildings are supposed to match/compliment your house.

Yesterday was a pretty low key uneventful day. Since Monday is payday, the deposits actually show up in our banks on Saturday. So, I paid my mortgage and paid off my credit card balance I had charged for the month (to get the 2% cash back reward). I did some vacuuming and washed a load of clothes. That's about it. Since on occasion dh has been able to eat a fast food cheeseburger, I figured he can handle eating one at home again. I need to use up the meat we have in the freezer, before it's too late/bad. So, for the first time since he went in the hospital in August I made burgers for dinner. We also have quite a few steaks. Later in the week, I'll make that for dinner. They are thin cut steaks, so not large portions. 

DH hasn't really done much of anything the last week or so and of course he starts getting down on himself that he's not being productive. I'm like it's winter  - you are supposed to rest and hibernate, LOL. Again we discussed his hoard in his shop a bit. He will make a comment "I should just get rid of most of the stuff out there - then I'd have this nice open shop". I said (again!) you should get rid of it - if you don't someone else will someday, so why not get rid of it yourself, so you can enjoy your nice big shop like you envisioned it?? Again, it's a mental block thing that I'm sure is the reason all hoarders can't get rid of all the stuff. For whatever reason his brain thinks he needs to have/keep this stuff, even though he hates it all. Weird, huh? He wants one of those nice shops, with the shiny floor (it is shiny floor under all that stuff) but he can't get himself to actually do what needs to be done.  I know this is what he wants it to look like:

Not even close, inside. But, that's his deal and it doesn't do me or him any good to keep pushing him on it. If he brings it up I try to encourage and be logical about it, in hopes that one day it might stick. For a guy who likes everything neat as a pin, it's honestly quite amazing that he can even stand going out into his shop.


  1. Two years to finish building, in your area does not surprise me considering the pandemic, prices and how unreliable help can be. I hope DH can continue to work on his hoarding etc, bit by bit! Sometimes our brains need help figuring that stuff out but I don't see he would be interested in having a professional come in!

    1. I don't think it's from that - the guy is doing all the work himself, no hired help. He just needs to get the dang siding put on

    2. I think it's just a difference in priorities then. For ya'll, you wouldn't leave it too long but for them there are different things they're focused on (and if no one is officially asking them to complete it, it isn't getting done with any quickness!)

    3. Exactly. Hopefully they will finally get them finished this spring

  2. I get where your husband is coming from about his stuff, but you're so right that it's better for him to sort it than someone else having to do it later!

  3. I was thinking the same as JiCaLu and that the pandemic might have really scuttled their plans. I understand your husband a bit- my in-laws purged so much when the moved from a house to large town house, but then within a decade, my FIL had filled hundreds of square feet of downstairs storage with new stuff. MIL keeps passing stuff on to us, and we're getting rid of it, but I dread having to really clean it out so remember that as I try and purge my own house.

    1. I don't know what is taking them so long to finish - the guy has done all the work himself, so hasn't had to rely on hired help.

  4. As someone in the midst of a build, I will echo the above: The supply chain (not fully due to pandemic, btw) is probably a HUGE factor. My contractor ONLY has my house right now, but his subs have other projects. A lot of builders do in normal circumstances is what I can only describe as prioritizing. For example: (And this is only an example) If the HVAC guys are due to show up on the 23rd, superintendent is going to make sure everything other subs need to complete to be ready for HVAC is completed. His subs will prioritize his requests and schedule because he gives them steady work. So absent supply or labor issues, if I was building only a shop or garage, and not represented by a contractor, I would probably have to wait to get my job done between other, bigger jobs. Add the supply issues, (did I tell you the cabinets I picked in October aren't coming until April) and, well, there you go. I would *never* act as my own contractor in the best of circumstances.

    1. They are not using a contractor to build the garage and sheds, the guy is just building them himself and if nothing else, the pandemic and having to be home more should have given him even more time to get it finished. All's they have to do is put up the siding on it, so they at least look finished from the outside. I completely understand contractors, dealt with them for 2 years, but no reason when you are building something yourself, with your own hands, that it's not getting done after 2 years.

  5. I cannot see how her retirement will help keep the dogs quiet if she has been home recuperating and the dogs still are barking. I could not stand the dogs' barking. At least I could sleep with the buildings being unfinished! Maybe you could suggest the methods women are using for decluttering homes--on item a day, or some number. He would probably get on a roll and do more.

    1. It’s just the normal barking going on when a delivery truck or the mail carrier pulls in. No big deal. Since she’s been home they haven’t had any days where they just bark for hours for no reason. Dh has made quite a bit of progress but still so much more to go to ever get it to look like his dream shop. I think he’s just overwhelmed by it all

    2. Post that picture on the refrigerator.

    3. Maybe on the little fridge out in his shop, haha. He can keep his clutter out there, I don't have stuff on my fridge :)

  6. Unfinished projects drive me crazy. Since neighbor is doing the work himself, I wonder if it could be a money issue? Or perhaps, he is just a procrastinator?

    1. Hard to say what the issue is but two years of looking at it all unfinished is getting old. Even doing it all themselves shouldn’t have taken more than a year at most.

  7. Your neighbor could have money issues or maybe he's just taking his time because he doesn't have a written deadline. I know it's annoying. Obviously not a priority for the neighbor.

    1. whatever the reason, it's a bummer to be going into year 3 of it, soon. Not cool when this is supposed to be a neighborhood of nice upscale homes. Hopefully the buildings will get sided this spring/summer
