Thursday, January 6, 2022

Thursday - just snow

I'm not sure how I missed my mom calling and leaving a voicemail yesterday morning, but my phone did not notify me. I looked at my phone settings and the "notifications" for "phone" was turned off. No idea how that happened. So, at just before 2 I go to call my mom to see how she's doing and realize she called and left a voicemail. Only her voicemail just said give her a call when I can, she has a question. I'm like great, she's not going to remember now why she called me! I cannot believe that she actually remembered why she called me 5 hours earlier! I was amazed. 

We got like 7 inches of snow yesterday. DH shoveled and plowed. Then his other part for the quad came in the mail and he worked on installing/replacing that (a better switch and in a better spot to work the plow up and down) and by the time he was done on that he had to start over with the shoveling and plowing. I woke up this morning to probably another 4 inches covered on the ground.

And as I was typing this out our power went out, for over 2 hours. I hadn't gotten the heat turned up yet downstairs, because dh hadn't gotten up, so it was cold downstairs. And dumb me, for some reason I just do not plug my phone in when I go to bed so I wake up to it like half charged, so of course it quickly drains when I can't plug it in to charge back up, when I start work in the morning. I need to get better at that.

Dh is running out of room to put the plowed snow. It appears young neighbor down at the end of the street didn't go to work today and is finally doing some of his own plowing for a change. Mr. Neighbor was gone all day (we could tell because he hadn't plowed) and still not home early evening. We had a feeling this must be the day Mrs. was having her knee replacement surgery. Dh (because he always gets over his being mad) was going to plow their driveway for them, but our old quad/plow was overheating before dh could even finish ours and by the time he let it rest and cool down, Mr got home and plowed his. A text later explained that her surgery was supposed to be 6am, got pushed out to 3pm and he didn't get to leave the hospital until like 6:30 to head home. We also figured out why he was saying he keeps sending dh emails and they are bouncing back to him. He somehow had apparently retyped dh's email wrong and was sending it to that address.

Ahhh....I can feel it warming up in the house now. Much better, LOL. I didn't miss much with work as far as anyone emailing or messaging me. My boss is still sick and took the day off. I only had one co-worker message me and I was able to take care of answering her through my phone app. And then only a couple of emails, which again, I was able to respond to with my phone.  

Well, not much in news on my end. I'm warming up, but I think I'll go downstairs and make some hot chocolate.


  1. I always lose power with my phone needing a charge! I am glad you only had it gone for 2 hours. Hopefully DH gets the quad/plow sorted soon for your snow removal needs. I love a good hot chocolate too!

    1. we have so much snow this past month that the piles are so huge and running out of room to pile new snow there. I ended up pulling out a k-cup of decaf coffee and throwing some extra white chocolate morsels I had left over in the bottom of the cup. A bit of a white chocolate mocha without the caffeine.

    2. my goodness! it sounds even so strange to say there is no where for the snow to go!! that hot chocolate sounds delicious!

  2. Maybe your mother will recover some of her memory. I can charge my phone in the car, so that works for me. Or, was that in my last car?The car motor does not have to be on. Maybe a cheap battery pack would be worth the money for the phone.

    1. that was my plan if the power hadn't come back on and the battery was too low - go into the garage and charge it in the car. That charger I have in the car charges super fast. DH also has a solar charger in his emergency supplies that we can use, too.

  3. Thought you'd find this interesting. As you know, we are building another new house, and planning to sell this one (moved in 2019) and our old one. On Monday, my superintendent showed up, fit to be tied. (He's actually the other owner of the contracting firm, but he's the guy on site, so he's the superintendent.) He wanted the electricians to come out Monday, but, in the week before, someone had gotten into another job they were working on and stolen the switches, plates, etc., so they had to go back and redo that place. They showed up yesterday to start my place. This morning, superintendent called me and asked if we had been over there. When I said "no," he told me he hadn't thought I had, but someone had been in there, moved some stuff around, and closed the back door. I have a sneaking suspicion it's the next-door neighbor (5 acre parcels) who is also a contractor, but regardless, very unnerving!

    1. We had that happen when our shop was getting built and we hadn't moved in there yet. All our concrete for the house had just been poured within the last few days. You could see someone's big boot print on the back patio!! We were like who has the nerve to go walk around someones build, yet alone walk around on concrete you know hasn't been poured that long ago. People suck.
