Tuesday, January 25, 2022

It snowed

Well, the weather was totally wrong yesterday. We ended up getting like 3 inches of snow, so by late afternoon dh did have to go out and shovel and plow, LOL.  He (as usual) went ahead and plowed down the rest of the street to other neighbors place. That neighbor drove by, coming home from work, while dh was out there plowing (what HE is supposed to plow) and couldn't even be bothered to take 15 seconds to roll down his window and say thank you or a text to say thanks.

Funny, I tried to call mom twice yesterday, but ya know, she's a busy gal and wasn't in her apartment either time, LOL. I don't have her landline set up for voicemail. So, this morning she just gave me a call and said she was thinking she might have missed calls? I said yep, I tried twice yesterday LOL. She said all is good, just keeping busy and thought she would give me a call before she heads downstairs to see what activities she's going to be doing today. Some days she just sounds so "normal". Still no mention of the cell phone....

I texted my half sis yesterday, to let her know I'd be happy to do her US tax return again and to email her 2021 info whenever. She said she is just getting over covid, since last Wednesday, but just about over it now and has just been working from home. Said for her it was mostly like a bad cold. Her BF also got it and not bad either and left for work (he works out of the area a lot) on Monday. I'm glad it wasn't anything serious for her.

I didn't sleep very well last night. Well, I did until dh came to bed - at 3am! He said he fell asleep in his chair watching videos. And when he comes to bed it wakes up the cat, who thinks it's time to play, so then I had to get up and put him upstairs in the crate. And couldn't fall back asleep. I was replaying in my mind all that crap with SB. Maybe starting that blog wasn't a good idea, ha! But, I'm past the background info posts now, so I'll be fine.

Mom's health insurance company sent out 2 more covid testing kits. Well, there are 2 to a box, so 4 in total. I still have the 2 boxes that were sent a month or so ago.

I have to do work tax stuff today. UGH. I really hate tax stuff. Today is due their monthly state business tax return, then by next Monday I have to do 2 city ones. Plus I need to get the 1099's done for both companies. I keep dragging my heals, because I hate doing them, LOL. I think people assume if you are an accountant, you like to do taxes. Nope. Never have. I hated that class, too. Thank goodness both companies use a CPA for the IRS taxes. I never had any desire to be a tax accountant. Too many changes to deal with all the time. In regular financial accounting, it's always the same. Black and white. Nothing much changes at all in how you account for it all.



  1. That's very kind of you to offer to do your sister's taxes! I should be so lucky! I'm glad that she was ok with covid too - it's such a worry and you don't know what to expect!

    1. I got her all caught up with several years behind, last year, so she could get the Covid stimulus money. Figured she might as well stay caught up, it's not a hard return to do.

  2. I hear you about not wanting to keep up with all the changes. I have a budget that changed budget types. Nothing else changed but it is now causing worlds of hurt because our systems were designed to reflect the old way the funding was accounted for.

    1. I think that's what I like about financial accounting - it's just so black and white. Debits and credits, never changes.

  3. I am a Business Administration graduate and I never "got" accounting. To me, it is harder than rocket science. I understand cost accounting because, I used to price large projects but, that's all.

    1. I think I hate cost accounting more than tax accounting LOL. I did it for year or two. Too much analyzing for me. I like that in financial accounting all the debit and credit have to equal and everything has to balance out.

  4. The bonehead at the end of your street must think your dh plows for fun. :::smh:::

    1. all is would take is just a tiny smidge of appreciation and dh is the type who'd be doing it all the time for them

  5. I agree with monica - what a way to behave - some people go through life looking out for themselves and nobody else.
    They then wonder why they end up alone and grumpy!

    1. they are a nice young couple with a cute little boy and baby, but yes, they are selfish and don't do any extra then they have to and often don't even do that!
