Monday, January 3, 2022

Getting started with 2022

At the vet appointment last Thursday she had offered me Monday the 17th for the pets procedures to be done, but I thought that was dh's dr appt with the urologist, so I ended up with Friday the 21st for the pets. Later I realized dh's appointment is the 19th and also I have the 17th off work for MLK Jr. Day. That would be the best appointment date, since I wouldn't have to take the day off work. I tried to call back Friday morning, but they must have been closed for NYE. I just called first thing this morning and the 17th is still available so, got the appointment moved to that day. Yay!

DH has a couple projects that should keep him busy (unless he's plowing snow haha). As he keeps getting rid of a few things and re-organizing his shop to make getting around in it and getting to things he actually needs to use, easier, he keeps coming up with a better way to organize the stuff. While he realizes he's just moving the same stuff around, he is actually utilizing the space much better. Our car trailer is what is taking up so much room. He had never planned to have it stored inside the shop. He was going to build a lean to cover off the back of the shop and park it under there. But, the backside of the shop faces Mr and Mrs Neighbors place - and after getting our place so nicely landscaped, it would have just looked crappy having a trailer parked outside, so it's inside, taking up so much room, along with the other tons of stuff he should get rid of, but can't/won't. Anyhow, he came up with a new plan of where to put stuff. Basically the trailer and the stuff he is just keeping to keep and doesn't need to get to and use will be all put to the far 1/3 of the shop. He thinks he will also be able to put his big saw table he made, that is in the garage taking up a lot of room, into the shop just inside the big tall door in the front end of the shop. It's on wheels and if he needs to saw stuff up he can roll up the big door, roll out the big table onto the concrete pad and work out there (summer of course, LOL). This will free up space in garage, too.

As it is right now his pick up (big F-350) is parked in the first bay and that is what you see in front of you as you come in the regular "man" door. The trailer is in bay 2. Our old t-bird is in bay 3. He's been working on the old t-bird but not handy at all to get to. His tool boxes are by the man door and it's basically a maze to walk around the pick up, then the trailer to get to the car to work on it or get to the bins he has stored back in the corner that has his bolts and things. He's got a new plan to move this stuff into different areas, but first he needs to finish working on the t-birds fuel line he was waiting for parts on, then he can move it and the trailer to where he wants them to be now. He's going to put the t-bird in bay 1, then his pick up in bay 2 and the trailer and all the unused stuff in bay 3 and the corners of the shop at that end. I think having the smaller t-bird in bay 1 will make the shop look more open when you first walk in, rather than having the view blocked by a big pick up. Like I said, all the stuff will still be in the shop, but should make getting to the things he actually uses much easier and will give the illusion of more space, haha.

Today he plans to work on the t-bird, so he can get it running and move it out of the garage to get around to it's new spot. I'm guessing all this is going to take him 2-3 days. Something to keep him busy.

My mom called me again yesterday around 11am. She doesn't usually call me (unless she has a question or problem), I call her. Again, she sounded really good and it was almost like talking to her back when she didn't have memory problems. I know it's just a fluke and today she could be back to thinking someone took something out of her apartment, but it has been nice these past 2 days to have her doing well and have somewhat normal conversations with her. Of course if I had told her something in these last conversations, she still wouldn't remember, but at least the conversations weren't me repeating the same things 3 or 4 times. Dh will ask me sometimes, did you tell your mom about this or that? and most of the time I'm like no...she won't remember I told her, so there's usually not much point.

Other than the $40 for the new winter boots, I haven't used my gift cards on anything yet. I've come to the conclusion I don't think I really like getting gift cards, LOL. Half the time I just end up using them for necessities, rather than treating myself to something (like a dang ipad, LOL).

I had to clean off my desk this morning. It's so not making me feel like working with all the crap on it. The whole corner/side of my desk to my left was filled with all that pile of cords and devices I took from my moms, a mailing bag with more of her meds, the OTC catalog that came from her insurance. I put all the cords and devices into a bag and got it off my desk. One of the devices (among 3) is for a tv remote I don't know what. It's very possible it's for the tv we have out in the shop. She gave us that tv years and years ago but we never had a remote for it. It might have even been my grandma's old tv. I can't remember now. I'll have to go see if that tv is the same brand as this remote, haha. At least now the desk part in front of me is The L-part of the desk to the right is another story...


  1. That sounds like a lot of cleaning and organizing. But, having space is not good unless it is useful space.

    When you spend a gift card for necessities, just take that amount of money to spend on something you want.

    It is good to hear your mother is doing better for the here and now.

    1. These are Visa type gift cards, so can be spent anywhere - my problem is trying to decide what and where! I think on it way too long and too much and then don't end up treating myself to anything nice or fun with the gift $

    2. Maybe that can change? I like the Visa type gcs.

    3. I'm trying! You'd think it would be easy to spend $300 in gift cards LOL.

  2. Ugh, cords, cables and remotes are the bane of my life. I'm pretty sure I could just take the entire drawer full of them and just pitch them but then what if ....?

    1. I have a bunch that I have no clue what they now go to either, LOL. I swear, those plug in adapter parts need to be labeled to which device they go to!

  3. So good to come by and catch up! Hope you have a Happy New Year! I love projects about decluttering and organizing. Great start to the new year.

    1. Hi! so good to hear from you again! Hope you are doing well. My dd loves to organize too, she takes after her dad, haha.

  4. Why are men such pack rats? You may not believe this when I tell you but, my husband has one of our spare bedrooms packed with "stuff", he has a shed we bought a few years back with his 'stuff" and he has an old shed that needs to be torn down and taken away with 'some of his stuff" you know, the 'stuff' that has been sitting for years, never touched but he needs? It drives me INSANE but what can I do? I can't tell him he has to get rid of it.. He is planning, (think maybe it will happen but Im afraid it wont') to clean out the spare bedroom , rearrange the shed to fit his 'stuff" and get the old one taken away. We will see...

    I was glad to read you had a few good days of conversation with your mom. Those are the bright spots in life...

    1. oh I can believe it! He thinks he needs all this stuff or will need it. I am just thankful he doesn't hoard in our house. I wouldn't be able to live with that. I feel suffocated just going out in his shop. Just looking at all his stuff he hung on the walls with his "memorabilia" makes me anxious to look at.

  5. Just a weird question, glad you got your pets appointment changed but instead of having to take a day off why couldn’t DH do the vet run? Especially if you have to wait in the car and they come out to get them?

    1. He could, but honestly any post care instructions they would give (for both pets procedures) would go in one ear and out the other. He can't even remember what a doctor or nurse tells him to do. My plan was to use that wait time to get a couple errands done that always seem to need to be done Mon-Fri business hours, so I haven't done them, and go spend some time with my mom while waiting. I'd just rather not have to take the day off, if I don't have to, since I already have to take part of the day off on Wednesday that week to go with dh to see what his urologist recommends for his prostate cancer treatment.

  6. Yes I wouldn’t have taken the day off (I’d call the vet and tell them to send written post op instructions ha!)
