Tuesday, June 11, 2019

This, that, and the other

It's a nice sunny morning. I can't get remotely logged into my desktop at work. It gets part way in and freezes. I'm having my boss try to reboot my computer there. In the meantime I stood up, with my coffee cup in hand, and looked out the window, so I could watch the river. I think that's part of what I like about our view....it's always moving! The river is losing it's spring brown color and starting to turn green now.  Soon, we will start seeing "floaters" (people who float down the river) and fishermen going by.  Sometimes the fishermen stop at a spot across from our neighbors and fish from there awhile (same spot the bald eagles like to fish, haha).

I'm still working on getting my office organized. Things I had just kept in boxes (even at our house in town) I'm now going through and getting put away. I have created one box that is just papers to shred or burn, so that helps. Eventually, I think I need to get one more file cabinet. I just have two 2-drawer ones, plus some storage in my desk.

My neighbor just called. They are trying to have some wine delivered, but her hubby isn't home to sign for it, so she wanted to know if she could see if they could try to re-deliver it to us, to sign for. I told her we don't drink, but we might be starting from all this stress, so we might drink it all! LOL.

I had seen this toilet paper holder (online ad) that was like bear claws. It looked cute. It was on Black Forest Decor, but I found it on ebay for almost half. Well, it arrived and it was cracked and broken. Not to mention, seeing it in person, I didn't really like it much. Kind of plastic and ugly looking. Fortunately, rather than saying they'd send a replacement, the ebay seller just credited me (I sent them pictures).  They really didn't pack it very well, so I'm not surprised it broke.

Ok, so I'm already tired of having to cook dinner meals! LOL. It's just not my thing, I don't know why. I need to find a way to at least enjoy it a little bit. We did do leftovers twice in the past week, so that is helpful. I will say I love looking at my sink, haha. I haven't figured out the convection part of the oven yet, but otherwise it works great and the microwave, too. I craved popcorn all these months (our microwave in the shop was too small for the popcorn bag) and now that I can make it, I haven't because I don't want to stink up the house to smell like popcorn!

I have never understood how our property taxes here work. It's like they are a year behind or something. And it seems they assess every 2 years, but based on a year before's assessment. I just received a notification that 2019 is the first year of the 2019/2020 valuation cycle. But, the notification shows the current assessed value as of 1/1/18 (a few months before we started building), so it's appearing to me like our property taxes for the next two years will be based on that, so still only around $600 for the year. If I'm understanding this, then they will assess again, based on 1/1/20, and then we'll start paying including the house and shop in 2021? Hopefully, they don't go back and add on the prior almost 2 years? I have no idea how this works, but if I only have to pay $600 in taxes each of the next 2 years, that would be great, haha.  I'm not holding my breath, though.


  1. Hopefully you're right about the property taxes and get a break for two years! I'm currently fighting ours and am scheduled to go to court (yikes!) with my appeal in a few weeks.

    I'm right there with you on the cooking thing. Personally, I'd rather clean toilets. Lol Cooking just isn't my thing.

    Today I did a M-Turk HIT that took about 45 minutes. It had me paired with another person. With the bonus it paid almost over $8. I couldn't help but to think how funny it would be if we were paired up. But, since it was someone of the opposing political party, I doubt it was the case. Of all the HITS I've done, this was one of the more enjoyable ones.

    1. nice paying hit! It wasn't me, haha. I'm struggling to get my $5/day since last week. I only got like $3.35 yesterday, but since I got $1.80 on Sunday (and I don't count weekends) I'm counting it as $5 for Monday. Today I've only managed $2.35 so far.

    2. My last two weeks weren't great either. Today I've reached a little over $18. Eager to do whatever I can to get our furnace paid off.

    3. Surprisingly I pulled out a $14 day. $10 in bits and then I got an email that I received a $4 but nus

    4. Fantastic! I cashed out for $25 this morning. It does add up!

  2. It's kinda nice when you CAN'T work isn't it - just drink in that view while you can!

    1. sometimes it is! haha. I'm glad I wasn't on a deadline to get something completed ;)

  3. Ive come as close to not cooking being the only non working person in this house as I can, even if it means a teeeny bit in our sodium increase. Schwans, one of those they fix the dinners and freeze em and you bring them home and cook them mix with my slow cooker meals with multiple leftovers and ordering in and eating out. I think eating out more willbe happening more...

    1. I see Schwans delivers to our neighbors. I should check into that!
