Saturday, June 15, 2019

Tech frustrations

I'm now in the process of getting my end loan mortgage. Thankfully, while we were delayed getting this construction done, the mortgage rates have continued to decline.  But, I really hate trying to decide, do I lock in now or just wait and see? The banker asked me if I wanted to lock in.  I needed a bit more info first: is there a fee to lock in? and how long does he think it will take to close the loan? So far, this year, the rates have been on a slow downward trend. From what I am reading, this is expected to continue, at least in the short term. I'm thinking of just holding out and hoping the rates go down a bit more by the time I get closed.  Opinions?

I bought a "wi-fi extender" to try to get more/better wi-fi out to the shop. This is what I had read I would need, as well as the phone guy told me the same thing. I bought one that is the same brand as our router (Comtrend) that we have through the phone company. Figured that might make set up as easy as possible. It's supposed to be just a plug in thing and easy to set up. But, I'm not sure if it's working correctly or not. We get some wi-fi just inside the shop, but the farther in you go it weakens and then is spotty/off and on.  It still seems to be doing the same, even with the extender.

Per instructions I plug it in a wall socket near the router/modem. Push the WPS button for 2 seconds. Then push the WPS button on the router for 2 seconds. The two are supposed to connect in about 2 minutes, which it seems to do. There are 2 "signals" it uses: 2.4 and 5G. Once they connected my phone (and other devices) now showed two new networks available: Extender 5011 and Extender 5012. Then you are supposed to be able to unplug it and try some different plug in locations between your router and the weak area.

But, according to the instructions the top 2 lights of the extender (one is marked 2.4G and one 5G" are supposed to be lit up, telling you the signal strength. Neither light up. They don't light up when it's plugged right near the router, either. So, I'm not sure what to do.

I first went out in the shop with my phone and ipad and they worked in the shop bathroom and farther away. I then went and got DH's phone and it seemed to be working. Later he went and sat out there. He'd be connected to wi-fi, but as soon as he tried to look at anything with his phone, it would switch back to LTE/data use. I took my phone (iphone 6) and his phone (iphone 7) out and sat is same spot. Mine would work, his would switch back to LTE.

I REALLY hate trying to figure out technology!!


  1. Always a gamble when getting a mortgage. When did our refi 18 months ago we did opt to lock in our rate. Good thing as rates ended up going up. As it was, the refi took a bit longer and we ended up paying an extra $700 or so to keep the lower rate. What kind of rates are you seeing right now? Also, if you aren't already doing so, I strongly suggest getting a 15. Best thing we ever did!

    No help with the technology stuff. I'm right there with you with the struggle!

    1. he says they are at 4.25 right now. He said no cost to lock in, but if I lock in, then I have to stay at that rate, no matter what.

    2. Comparing that with what I see (for a 30-year fixed) on, 4.25 seems quite high. 15-years are even lower. Would you consider going with a different lender?

    3. Just want to add a quick edit that there is a lot of good info as you scroll down. Rates can be quite different between lenders. Make them compete for your business!

  2. I hate the tech stuff. That's really something I just like to hand over to someone else and say "here deal with it while I make dinner"!

    1. I don't like making dinner, but I'd rather make dinner than figure this out, LOL.

  3. Saw on the news last night rates are at an 18 month low but they didn't mention if rates are expected to go lower.

    1. I found an article in the past day (can't remember source, one of the major newspapers) that said might still go down a bit. Hoping so.

  4. I want a wifi extender, but it needs to work from 3 blocks, the distance to the library.

  5. 5G is not as it is advertised. 5G cannot go through walls, trees interfere with it. If you used any type of metal in the construction it too will interfere. We have a small town here that is testing it all out. My son is good at home. When he is at work, all of the above interfere so he has to use a land line. My techie son has studied this problem for a while.

    1. the only thing it's picking up is a 2.4g signal and it seems to be working now. Keeping my fingers crossed.
