Friday, June 7, 2019


I can't remember if I mentioned it already or not, and I'm too tired/lazy to look back through the last few posts. I recently received our electric bill for the past month - $138. The cheapest our summer bills were at our little house in town (different power company) was $160, so this is good! I know we did use some heat the first couple weeks in May. It didn't get warm here until Memorial weekend. And our furnace was running on the electric, because the heat pump hadn't been turned on yet. It sure was nice having a/c in the house this past few days, (though temps just dropped 30 degrees today and it's cold and rainy). DH has it set a little too cold for me, but he'll figure out a more comfortable setting, I'm sure.

The mason hasn't been here all week. He worked last Saturday, because he had another job to go do on Monday, but that turned into Tuesday and Wednesday. Then he was ready to come back yesterday and it was pouring rain all day. Today is better weather, so I see he made it and is back to work. We're not too worried about him. He's a solid guy and will get it done. Him and DH have a "date" on Sept 10th to go listen to elk bugling, LOL. I said why that specific date? I guess that's when they are calling for their ladies, haha.

My little cafe tier curtains I bought from Target arrived. I just used tension rods to install, so no screws. I think they look ok. I just wanted something in a creamy color that kind of blended in with the wall color and to give us a little privacy.

It sounds like my company will be opening a satellite type office about 2 hours from where I live! That's pretty neat. I'm not sure of any details yet, like how many people will work out of there, but if we actually need office space to rent, I imagine it will be at least 2-3 people. We had a salesman in that territory years and years ago, but I think he worked out of his home as the "office". I'd imagine we'll have a salesperson, or two, and one or two office support people. Kind of exciting news. And I'm sure my boss would have to visit the office a few times a year and it would be a 2 hour drive for me to go there and visit with her ;)

My DD worked half a day this morning (5:30-9:30) and is about to leave her work and drive over here.YAY! I cannot wait to see her. It'll take her about 7 hours drive to get here.


  1. Oh elk bugling sounds just wonderful! My friend and I have booked to go up to Gruyère in September for what I call "la transhumance" but they call the "désalp" - which is when they bring the animals down from the mountains for the winter.You know all with flowery headdresses and where the cows probably feel SOOOOO stupid. But it's just my kind of thing!

  2. The curtains are pretty & just enough.
    Enjoy your time with your daughter. :)

  3. Pretty curtains. I am a fan of tension rods. The rare times I have had to hang something on the windows for privacy, I usually do exactly what you did. I dislike anything, really, on my windows obscuring my view.
    Today is the last day for my finish carpenters. They are putting in bath fixtures, switching some cabinet doors, and putting in our mantle. The superintendent designed our mantle, and I love it. Our shower doors and bath mirrors were delayed again. I only know this, because as I was walking in to the house, I heard my superintendent yelling at the rep. on the phone before he realized I was there. The range should be in now, (haven't gone over again to check) and the garage door was hosed and wiped down today. Construction clean and window cleaning will happen early next week, then it's our final inspection, and we are good to go! Fingers crossed!

    1. I'll bet you are excited. That's great it's getting so close, now.

  4. I like curtains that are minimal while providing a bit of privacy.

  5. I've been catching up on your blog posts. I'm so glad that you have moved in and everything is finally settling into place! I agree with you in not bringing in the old, worn out furniture. Your new place deserves nice, new furniture, as and when you can manage it.

    I hope you have a lovely visit with your daughter and she has a safe journey home. Have a good weekend.

    1. thank you. We had a nice visit and so good to see her.

  6. My husband has a “date” on Sept 10th too-his friend from Georgia is coming out to bow hunt for elk- they chose the date because they should be bugling about then I guess, so that must be the magic date lol. I don’t know anything about that, just like it when hunting season starts so he’s gone!

    1. yes, I think he mentioned something about it's bow season then.
