Saturday, June 15, 2019

So, I am a little bit "geek"

Well, I'm just (barely) smart enough to figure out this wi-fi extender. I figured out how to access it "manually" via the internet and put in my network wi-fi password and it synced the device with my router. Before I went any farther, I went back downstairs to the extender and now the 2.4G light was lit up solid. Yay. Then I moved it to the outlet in the laundry room and went back out to the shop with our devices.

Same issue - my phone, ipad, and DH's ipad worked ok. DH's iphone would switch to LTE again as soon as you tried to access something on the internet. ARRGHH!. I tried some various "solutions" found on the internet. Turned the airplane mode on, then off. Turned the phone off and back on. Did a system update (that he'd been ignoring). Then I decided to move the extender device and plug it into the shop, right inside the door (where the regular wi-fi signal was reaching anyway) and bam! got full bar signal from DH's phone all over the shop (well, where I could physically get to, without standing on bins). I sat out there awhile, using his phone and it stayed on wi-fi.  I'm keeping fingers crossed I have fixed the problem!

Our woodworker guy is here now. Measuring and figuring out our kitchen bar countertop. When we were living in the shop we could hear someone pull in the driveway. In the house, we cannot. Even the dogs don't hear it. Until someone rings the doorbell........and then they go bat$h%t crazy. They are pretty well behaved dogs, but that is one thing I have never been able to train them. Usually, we'll hear someone pull in and so will they, so they start barking and I'll just put them in a room with the door shut, so I can answer the door, by the the time the person is getting to the front door.


  1. I'm impressed and glad you figured it out.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Was it you who mentioned mortgage rates and whether it is a good time to lock in now or not?

    Today I came across this article:

  4. I know you are really pleased with this accomplishment.

  5. Well done figuring out the wi-fi stuff! I'm very impressed!

  6. Our final was yesterday. Movers schedules for Friday. Meanwhile, the contractors are doing their construction clean, and I am scrambling to cull and purge. I've brought a few things over, hung clothes in closets, and worked on the flower beds. I may start moving my pantry over tomorrow.

    1. Very cool, Meg B. I know it has been a long time coming. I admire both of you for being on top of building a home. I nearly broke a few times with very minor cosmetic fixes in my house.

    2. Meg, Did you blog about your build? Congrats with your new place!
