Monday, June 17, 2019

Starting to get relaxed

Saturday was one of the most relaxing days I have had in a very long time. Spent the morning puttering around, cleaning. DH was outside puttering around and cleaning. Around noon, the guy who built our dining table showed up (unexpectedly) to get started on the bar countertop. He and DH spent the rest of the afternoon working on that. I worked on getting that wi-fi extender to work. Of and on I'd see how they were coming along.

About mid afternoon woodworker guy got a call from another guy about a bar he is going to make for him. We recently met this other guy about a month ago. He was working for the guy doing the last bit of our rockery. He lives up on the mountain straight across from us. Seemed like a super nice guy. He had invited us up to his house that next day, but we couldn't go, as one of the subs had showed up to work, so we had to stay. Haven't talked to him since, I don't think. He pulled in with his truck and some wood slabs he picked up, so woodworker could look at it. His wife (who we hadn't met yet) was in the truck. The guys were standing at the end of the pickup looking at the wood as I walked out there. She had her head turned (though window was rolled down) so she wasn't looking my way as I was walking towards the guys. She never did get out of the truck. Then woodworker wanted to show him the table he built us, so we started to go inside. He hollered over to his wife "do you want to come inside and see the table?". She kind of rolled her eyes at him, like she was annoyed and then got out. Her DH and woodguy were already on their way towards the house, but DH and I stopped and introduced ourselves to her. How weird. To go to someone's house, who you haven't met before, and not at least get out and introduce yourself, or at least say hello from the window of the truck. Once she got inside, she seemed pretty nice, but still was odd to me.

Awhile later that afternoon DH and woodworker ran over to his house to do some planing on the pieces or something or other. I figured they'd probably be gone close to an hour. I was going to take a nap, but I was cold! (still adjusting to the a/c in house). So, I took a bath instead, LOL.  They came back and worked until about 6;30, so we didn't get dinner until around 7, but I just did some steaks so that was quick.

Yesterday, I didn't feel as rested, for some reason. Woodguy came back around 10am and they worked a few hours. I fiddled some on my Dyson, to see if I could figure out why it was sooo hard to push over the carpet and got it to work better. Still not the easiest to push, but much better. I can handle it now. Since I have to vacuum upstairs and down, I've decided to leave it on the floor I finished and start on that floor next time, saving a trip up or down each time.

I also made a turkey dinner with the trimmings yesterday. We never got a Thanksgiving or Christmas turkey dinner living in the shop. The biggest turkey I could find was only 9.5 pounds, so not too many leftovers from it. But, we'll get leftovers for dinner tonight and a few days of turkey sandwiches.  DH appreciated it. Kind of a bittersweet Father's Day. He's missing his dad, of course, and missing our son, as always. He did get a very sweet text from a thoughtful young man. We have known him since he was a kid (same age as our son). His father died from cancer last year. He's missing his dad and he knows DH is missing our son, so he sent DH a happy father's day message.

We have sparrows trying to bring straw and stuff up in our back patio rafters. Guess we'll have to figure out how to stop that, now.


  1. Turkey dinner! Yum! My favorite. I remember spending a couple of weeks at two different friends with my sister one Christmas. Both my friends made turkey dinners since they knew how much I liked it but my sister was not so happy. Lol! She is not a fan.

  2. What a kind young friend to remember your husband on Father's Day.

    1. it was very sweet of the young friend. Especially knowing he's going through his own tough time, missing his dad. They had a nice long phone chat last week. I think he just needed some fatherly words and DH needed someone to give some to :)

  3. That is odd about that woman not wanting to even introduce herself. Good luck with those sparrows. At our old house we used to battle with the barn swallows. Here our issue is more with the woodpeckers. They can be so destuctive!

    1. first DH said they were swallows, but I looked them up and I think we have sparrows.

  4. The woman was probably shy or uncomfortable for some reason. Maybe with your fabulous house she felt insecure. Maybe she felt fat or unfashionable.

    1. that could be...though it sounds like they have a pretty nice house from what the guy described. And I couldn't have looked more unfashionable, haha! Jeans, an old t-shirt. My hair a mess and I had socks with sandals on. LOL.
