Friday, June 28, 2019

Finally Friday

DH's fishing friend cancelled out again last night (though the weather was fine). The buns I bought for the burgers he was going to bring/make are going to get stale, LOL. This time I anticipated him canceling again and had a back up dinner plan (steaks). I also started eating the apple pie I had bought for dessert.

DH kept busy, though. He started building himself a big work bench to put in the shop. He's using up leftover lumber and beams, though he will need to purchase some plywood for the top. The problem is he can't get his pickup out of the shop to go get the lumber. We have been asking and waiting for the excavating guy to come and bring us gravel to raise up our driveway to meet the edge of the concrete parking slabs in front of the shop and garage. If DH tries to drive off or onto them, before there is some level ground next to the slabs they are most likely just going to break if he tries to drive off/on them. Finally, excavator guy called this morning and is going to deliver some gravel this afternoon. But, I'm just as sure he get busy today and run out of time and put us off again.

The neighbors were just supposed to have their son's two dogs (one huge, one little) until July. Well, now it's changed until this Fall. Who does that to their family pets? The first reason was they were putting a lawn in and didn't want the dogs tearing it up, so needed a couple of months for it to get in. Now, they are renting out their house and moved to another house they bought, but it doesn't have a fenced yard yet, so the dogs need to stay until like September. I'm sure that was the whole plan/reason to begin with - they were putting in a lawn so they could rent out their house, LOL. Neighbor guy works from home part of the time, but when he leaves, then of course they bark, because they aren't happy. I'm not sure what happened to keeping the bark collars on them, but DH did kind of mention to neighbor yesterday that they start barking as soon as he leaves.

I just received our next electric bill. $118. Not bad, considering we get full house a/c, too. I think the heat pump was a smart choice. We'll see for sure, when winter comes. But, my cheapest electric bill on our little house it town (different power company) was $160/mo in the summer months....and that was with a window a/c unit that barely kept the house cool.

I'm looking forward to only having to work 3 days next weekend. Of course, as always, the company holidays on Fridays always fall on the day I would have only had to work a half day anyway, LOL. The full day off (holiday) never seems to fall on the week that I have to work a full Friday.

No big weekend plans. Just cleaning house and washing bedding.


  1. Replies
    1. we love dogs (and their dogs too) but it sure gets annoying. I'm sure the 2 guest dogs don't understand why they always seem to spend several months every year without their family.

  2. I can't imagine leaving our pets for such an extended period of time. When your DH can finally go to town, have him look for counter top rejects/returns. Hubs did this with the shop he had at our former home. They ended up being cheaper and sturdier than plywood. Also easier to wipe down (they were formica). Good deal on the electric savings. I'm missing having a/c.

    1. I'm not even sure why they have pets. We've known our neighbors for 3 years now and it's been like this for several months every year (for different reasons).

    2. oh, and great idea on the countertop!

  3. We were also successful asking a manager if they could mark the countertops down a bit more. Never hurts to ask! A lot of times they happy to get rid of them. We bought extra shop cabinets this way as well.

  4. My poor neighbours have had a dog and two cats "dumped" on them by their kids in this way and the wife absolutely hated the hairs and all the upkeep on those pets. Not fair is it. Years ago my son bought a farm kitten from the neighbour kid who wanted to "sell" it - yeah right, you can't give those things away. I told him to take it back right now or I would drown it (I wouldn't have) as I wasn't having ANY pets. Luckily it worked!

    1. I could maybe see dumping the dogs (but not for as long as they always do) if the neighbors were retired and at home all the time to care for 5 dogs (3 of their own), but the lady commutes to the city and is gone 12 hours a day. The guy is usually only home about half the work day, plus he's been going on business trips with his new job. The dogs are just lonely for their peoples. My mom was like you - no pets! LOL. DH and I have always had a cat or a dog, usually both. I'm ready for a couple of cats now :)

  5. Well I always said no pets because I was also gone 12 hours a day (work/commute) and it wouldn't be fair. I love dogs but now I've got my freedom I think I'll give that a miss - for now at least. And my neighbours? The dogs were permanently dumped on them and they didn't want ANY pets!

    1. We didn't have a dog for quite a few years, when we were both working outside the house. (but we did have a cat). We realized it wasn't fair to the dog to be alone so much, but once DH started staying home and I was working from home part of the time, we got a dog...then another one. LOL
