Tuesday, June 25, 2019

A little of this - a little of that

DH got two more things checked off his list of things to do. He finished the electrical wiring/conduit set up out on the gate pier (because eventually there will be an electric gate and lights on the piers). He also moved a gutter downspout that was in front of the house, coming down in a weird spot, in the middle of the siding. He moved it over a couple of feet, so it is coming down in the corner, along a piece of trim, where the laundry room angles from the rest of the house. He also worked a bit on organizing some tools in his shop with some hooks and pegboard. We also hung a few pictures in the laundry room.

I've watched a few movies on Amazon. A new one with Jennifer Anniston and Adam Sandler called "Murder Mystery". It was ok, not as good as I expected it to be. The other one was a couple of years old - "Home Again" with Reece Witherspoon. That was a cute movie. I also watched "Book Club", which was pretty good, too. I'm trying to get back into watching Blacklist, but not getting too far.  I'm back to having nothing to read. All the books are on wait list for me. I'm trying to read some science fiction novel, but having a hard time getting into it.

DH is having a bad day. He didn't sleep well. Then dealing with the birds trying to build nests. They seem to be trying harder, not giving up. Then our power went out for like 5 seconds. His computer always has issues coming back on, so that was a half hour ordeal getting it back (mostly because he's too impatient). He's in one of his "nothing is going right in his life" moods.  All's I hear (and have heard for a year and a half is "there's no way I can do this/get this done, etc.". And it all has gotten done.

I made homemade pizza for dinner last night. Yum. And have enough leftover for 2 lunches for me. I've always bought fresh mushrooms to put on top, which hasn't always been convenient. The one's at the grocery store in town literally last like 1 day before they turn all black, so if something comes up that I can't make the pizza that day, forget about having mushrooms on it. I can't remember if I've tried the canned mushrooms or not. But, when I was doing my online shopping for my Walmart pick up order I came across frozen mushrooms. They aren't too bad. Plus, nothing goes to waste and I can just use what I need and keep the rest frozen until the next time.

My next thing to bake is going to be a cake :) I might do that later this afternoon.  It's my lunch break time, but right now I feel like I could just fall asleep. Ugh.

We've had to purchase a dehumidifier. I'm guessing it's mostly to keep DH sane, but oh well. After the mold issue we had in our crawlspace, he's nervous. No, make that paranoid. After it was cleaned, our insulation company then sealed the crawlspace, so it's considered a sealed "conditioned" space. But, DH keeps track of the humidity level (he has a weather station thingy) down there and it's usually in the mid to high 60%. which he thinks is too high. According to what research he could find, it's recommended to be at no higher than like 55%. Up until a couple weeks ago, we had a borrowed dehumidifier down there, but we gave it back to our contractor the last time he was here. And the humidity has gone up, compared to using it. So, I ordered the same one from Home Depot. There goes another $300. Ugh.


  1. If you have Amazon Prime you have to watch Bosch! OMG! It's so good! Have you ever read books by Michael Connelly? SO SO GOOD!

    1. I love Bosch! Such a good show. And I have read all the books.

  2. The good thing about a dehumidifier is that they last a long long time and work really well.

    1. I hope it can last a long time, especially since it will have to be on all the time.
