Tuesday, June 18, 2019

an all over the place post

I think I've mentioned before that Go Fund me accounts people ask/expect you to donate to, often annoy the heck out of me.  Like the one where the relative wanted to go study abroad for a semester, so rather than work to save up the money to do it, she asked for donations. She didn't get much, so, of course didn't go. Or the relative, who a year and a half ago was asking for money so she could go to another state and live and do her masters degree...who a year and a half later can afford to go to Hawaii on vacation.......(not to mention several trips home and a trip to Vegas, the past year and a half). I couldn't even bring myself to ask for something like that for like a medical expense/emergency, let alone for something that is a "want".

Ok, that was my little rant.

DH is wearing himself out. He won't take a break to rest and recover. Over the years he's realized that after he's over done it, he needs a couple of days of rest and just taking it easy. Then he can start up again. Rinse. Repeat. He's just going all the time and won't stop to rest. He's now in so much pain, says it's the worst he's had. I reminded him he used to take a couple of days and rest and that is what he needs to start doing again. Of course he won't listen to me. Says there's too much to get done and it won't get done if he rests. It will get done, just will take a bit longer. He has no problem telling people about his muscles problem......yet then he will not show them that he needs any relief. So, then he's mad when "no one thinks anything is wrong with me". Well, geez - you'll be on your legs for 6 straight hours with the wood worker guy and not take a break, or grab a stool. Someone will stop by to visit (and people like to do that around here) and he'll have to stand there (cuz usually they just stand outside and talk) and he'll stand for like an hour or two visiting. Instead of saying something like "hey, I'm sorry, my legs can't stand any more right now, how about we go sit?". Makes me so mad. Then, I have to listen to him complain on and on how bad he feels. No kidding. 

We have a guy we know (and friends on Facebook) from DH's previous working days. About our age. He has a relative he is close with who is super wealthy and regularly flies him (in a private jet!) to visit them and attend their parties. OMG! He will post pics. They have 2 little children, You should see the extravagant (and that's putting it mildly) birthday parties these little one's get! Every birthday. Full blown extravaganza's. They must cost at least $50,000 each (and that's probably a low guess). I cannot even imagine having one of these parties thrown for me in my lifetime. Can you imagine having a party thrown for you every year like that? It's a bit hard to imagine a lifestyle like that. He's just a regular working joe, like most of us, so I'm sure he's still not used to it, haha.

Apparently, I just got the one day, last Saturday, for feeling relaxed and rested, LOL. I'll take it, though. Hopefully,  there are more to come. It has just been months since I felt like that, I forgot what it feels like. The weekend of 4th of July, I get 4th and 5th off work, and I'm looking forward to that. I keep hoping DH will make a friend he can go do stuff with every so often, LOL. He makes friends super easy, but most people work, or have spouses, etc, so are too busy to do much (not to mention he is busy himself). It's just that if he goes off for a few hours, it's so peaceful, LOL.

Last night (at 8pm, no less) DH says "let's put up these blinds in the bedroom". I think it took about an hour to get all 3 up. I'm quite happy with them (blinds.com).

Kind of hard to tell in the picture. The side windows are fabric roman shades. It's a nice heavy, lined fabric. the horizontal window is a cellular shade. It's just about the same color as the window, so when it's up you barely notice there's a blind up there. I put them down when we went to bed. It did help some, with the morning light. I still haven't decided what to put in my office or the guest bedrooms. I'm thinking the cellular shade in my office. The sun doesn't hit my desk/computer screen until around 5pm, so at this point having no blinds/curtains isn't affecting my working.


  1. One of our sons is a musician and we see the Gofundme requests all the time from his circle of friends. Most of them are for small amounts used for recording and such. I generally respond to them and do get a lot of cd's from groups, but I figure it is my option to help or not.

    1. that's seems a little more understandable - at least they are producing something from it

    2. I guess if I had given to the relative in the latter example, I would have felt like I was helping to fund her various vacations, rather than helping her pay for school.

    3. Yeah, my parents were asked to help fund my cousins tuition to Princeton. As impressed as they were that she had gotten into it they felt no compulsion to help pay, particularly since she went to Italy for the summer prior to her sophomore year

  2. I was contacted by a guy at work who I barely knew for money to make a CD too. But the guy had been making good money - why would I pay for it. I agree with you absolutely on the GoFundMe stuff. As for rich people, as an expat I received a grant from my employer towards my kids' education. They went to an international school as we wanted them educated in English but talk about expensive!!! And you should see the money some of those people had. One of my son's friends got $4,000/month pocket money at the age of 15 - and that was about 15 years ago! I don't envy them at all but how the other half lives eh!

    1. I don't envy them either, in fact it looks like an exhausting way of life to me, haha. It's just interesting to try and imagine living like that. I have another FB friend (from high school days) who is married to a wealthy guy. They travel constantly and if they are at home, they are attending dinners out every night etc. It wears me out just reading about it. I don't envy her lifestyle one bit.

  3. I asked for money for a water line to my house because I did not have that kind of money. It was embarrassing. Someone else suggested people help me with computer. I had no say in that, but am glad I have a computer! I do try to pay that forward even if it is in small amounts. However, I am not funding tuition or vacations!

    1. I agree - it's different when someone needs help with an emergency. and as far as I know this girl never worked during high school or college...

  4. I have never contributed to a Go Fund Me account, and have no desire to do so.

    1. I think I contributed once, a very small amount, to a dog rescue

  5. The windows look nice with the blinds. Are you feeling more at home in your new home?

    1. Thank you! Yes, starting to feel much more at home, once some of my things got moved in. It's still all a bit overwhelming, though.
