Saturday, June 29, 2019

Getting Saturday done

The dogs let me sleep in until 7:45 (insert eye roll) so I got busy with my morning. I made my cup of coffee and DH's egg sandwich. Finished getting the dishwasher loaded and turned on. Cleaned the countertops and the cooktop. Then I changed to some jeans and a sweatshirt and took some outgoing mail out to the mailbox (down at the end of our street), so it would for sure get out today. DH just kept sleeping (which is a good thing for him). I went upstairs and looked at emails and Facebook. Added a few things to my online Walmart grocery shopping cart and found one small M-Turk hit to do. If I can make my $5/day goal Mon-Fri, (which I barely did), then anything I can get on a weekend is a bonus, but I don't try too hard.

I went back downstairs and started dusting and DH finally got up. He went out to the shop for a little bit. The wi-fi extender is just not working well. It shows we are connected to wi-fi with it, but when you try to get anything on the phone w/internet it says "network not connected", but the phones won't switch over to LTE. Finally, I unplugged the device. The wi-fi from the house router still sends a weak signal, which our phones try to use, but usually won't load anything on our phones. I just told DH to turn off wi-fi on his phone when he's out there and just use data. Hopefully, when the electricians come week after next, it will get working like we wanted it to, in the first place.

Then DH went outside to do some work and I made the dogs go out with him, so I could mop the floor and let it dry before they got their paw prints all over. 

The excavator guy did show up yesterday afternoon and brought loads of gravel. It was only about a 10 mile RT from where he loaded the gravel, so quick haul for 4 or 5 loads. It looks much better out there. All even with the concrete slabs and much nicer, finished looking. He will come back on Monday to use the roller to bind it all better. It's hard to get good gravel (and topsoil) around here. Even the excavator guy said this isn't very good stuff, but we really don't have much choices around here for that kind of material. The excavator guy sure likes out house design and keep telling DH that. Says it makes him want to build a new house.

Well, I guess now it's time for lunch. I think I'll go out and eat on the back patio. There were some fishermen in a boat out there earlier. It's a nice day out. Finally feels like a summer day.


  1. Sounds like a very productive Saturday morning! Hope the rest of the day goes well and you have a great weekend.

    1. it was productive and the afternoon was pretty relaxing and nice

  2. I know you will be thrilled when all the fine details are finished and you will not have workers around.

    1. for sure. At least it's getting less and less having workers around

  3. I'm glad you can go out and sit and enjoy your house.

    1. we had a nice afternoon, mostly just sitting and relaxing.

  4. So nice to enjoy your place after all the headaches you all have been through!
