Saturday, September 29, 2018

Staying grounded

Yesterday I mentioned the acquaintance/friend who has the small airplane. I'm taking back what I said about wanting to fly with him. He crashed yesterday!! He's ok, thank God. He had flown to another small rural runway and was trying to take off and it was too windy and his wing hit something. Yikes.

We went to the city yesterday afternoon. DH needed a physical done and then we were stopping for some groceries. It was past lunch time and we were both really hungry. I tried to get him to drive across the street from the dr. office to get Subway (and we have gift card to use) but he didn't. Then I suggested lets try the Mexican place next to the grocery store. I thought it was more like a small fast food type of place, but it's kind of in between a big restaurant and fast food place setting. I thought it tasted ok, DH didn't like it. But, if I would have known it was going to be $25 for lunch, I wouldn't have gone there. Oh well, live and learn.

I was able to trade my grocery rewards points in for $11 off my total, so that helped. Plus it's still double points month or something and now I have another 4 points to use, which I can redeem for $5 off next purchase or $7 off a meat purchase.

Weekends are a lot more relaxing now that we are living here at the property and not having to drive over here/pack a lunch/etc to come and get stuff done here. Much easier and we aren't spending near the money on filling up our car with gas. Now we average about 1 trip (10 miles each way) into town a week and one trip (45 miles each way) about every 2 weeks to the city. Sometimes once a week, but then we don't need to do the town trip for food.

Our first full month of using electricity here in the shop bill came. $70. I would say a lot of that is probably for the construction, too. They are plugged in with their air compressor and tools. My summer monthly bill at our house in town was $160/mo, so it appears to be some savings for now (until the house is added to electricity). This co-op is cheaper and we aren't heating hot water with electricity, either. Overall, for the time being I'm saving about $280 a month in water/sewer, electricity, and satellite, and car gas. Starting November, when I drop DH's overpriced health insurance for a cheaper plan, I will also be saving another $380 per month.

Well, I think I might be headed for an afternoon nap. Or watch a show on my ipad mini...which will make me sleepy and then the nap.


  1. I am not a fan of small airplanes. I rode in one once in 1981, and that was enough for me. I really hate spending money on food out, especially when it is not good. Tommy and I both carry fast food coupons, so that sometimes the total is only $6 for the both of us.

    It seems you are saving a fair bit of money being on-site. Plus, I would think guys could not say they had been there working on the house for a minute longer than they actually were.

    1. I've only ridden in a small plane once when I was a kid, but I didn't mind it. Yes, we sure get to see that they don't work a full day, most days. Seems most all the contractors work about 6 hour days...and complain how far behind they are. Makes no sense. It was summer - work 9-10 hour days! ok, at least work an 8 hour day LOL

  2. I am glad you friend is not injured. I do not like small planes. On another note, you seem to be saving a good deal of gas money. I must be careful about that too since gas is really expensive and I am no longer driving a company car. Even when I did, I was careful about that.

    1. I'll bet gas is really expensive there. That was nice you had a company car to use.

  3. Glad you didn't go up in that plane. I don't even like the big ones so have no desire to get up in a sardine can with wings. And well done on the savings. You've worked hard for everything you have (just catching up on my blog reading here).

    1. Thank you! It is nice to have some extra money to put towards other stuff.

  4. When I was in the service, I was stationed with a helicopter squadron. During training practices, non-flight personnel could occasionally go for a ride. I had been approved to go on a flight, but an hour or so before takeoff, was told I was needed on ground. That "bird" (as they are called in the service) crashed! I never did make another request to go! Glad your friend is okay!

    You sound completely at peace in your new surroundings!

    1. I don't blame you. What a lucky break you weren't on that helicopter.
