Friday, September 21, 2018

Finance Friday

I received a call from our propane company that the mfg of the water heater we had so many problems with sent a refund to them for $130. Not sure what it's for, exactly. But, she said she'll just put it as a credit to our propane account. Works for me.

I'm trying to get back into doing some M-Turk work. There just isn't a lot that comes up when I search under "hits I am qualified for". I guess I'll need to do some more research on how to better figure it all out. Apparently, once you get past 1000 hits done, you qualify for more. I'm just a bit over halfway (and been doing it off and on for a year) so it takes awhile to get to 1000. I need to find out if there are some quick ones (even if they pay next to nothing) so I can get my count up. I also read something about "batch" hits and I don't even know what those are. If anyone reading has experience getting over the 1000 hit's done mark, I'd love to hear your tips.  I'm just now realizing if I check back every couple of hours there is often a new hit that wasn't there before and they aren't there long. And just as I typed this I checked and there was a $6 hit that took me 30 minutes to complete. That is the most I have earned in one hit! In the year I have been doing these, off and on, I have earned a total of just a little over $400. Not bad, considering I don't do it a lot of the time. I earned half of that, though, in the first 3 months I did it. The last nine months have been the other $200. Obviously there is some to be made, with steady work at it. A couple hours later I then came across one for $4 that probably took me 20 minutes to complete. I guess I just need to keep plugging away at it, and checking back more often for hits. I think I was checking, finding not much, getting discouraged and then not checking back anymore for a day or more.

I'm dumping DH's Obamacare insurance starting November. I thought I was going to be able to to it October, but for 2018, while the tax penalty is still in effect you can only go two months out of the year with out compliant insurance. I worked the math with paying the penalty for 3 months, but it came out same compared to reduced premiums, so I'll just wait until Nov 1.  Plus, I keep reading that more insurance (non-obamacare type) options are supposed to be coming out after October 1st, with an increase in what is considered "short term". It will be interesting to see how much his current insurance will go up for 2019. I'm sure I'll be paying close to $600 for it. I'm paying $560 a month now.  From the plans I've looked at I'll be paying about $200 a month instead. Yep, I know it's not the same insurance. I've thought about this long and hard. But he doesn't go to the doctor, and if he does once in awhile, we can afford the office visit out of pocket. We just need something that will cover an emergency or hospital stay. I am SICK and TIRED of paying $600 a month for what is basically a major medical type plan anyway.

I ordered DH a big jug of "Dri-Z-Air" refill from Amazon. It was supposed to be here Tuesday and didn't show up. Apparently it was damaged and UPS returned to Amazon, where they just refunded me, so now I just had to re-order it. Hopefully, this one makes it here this time.

ok....time to get started with my real job, with some M-Turking during a break and lunch break.


  1. Dry-Z-Air?

    Those are good hints for MTurk.

    1. Dri-Z-Air are these white pellet things that absorb moisture. Like DH will put the little container inside our old car he's keeping, to help keep it drier inside

  2. Bonus with the propane credit!

    I'm at 1300+ HITS. I got lucky when I first started as there were some super easy ones which helped bring my count up. Now that I'm not working at my office job, I'm hoping I'll have a little time to do a little more with M-Turks. It really does add up.

    That insurance is insane. Could you put what you are saving into an HSA to offset future expenses? I can tell by your posts that we see eye-to-eye when it comes to the previous administation. Now I just pray that Trump comes through with undoing all the damages created during those eight years under Obama. He certainly has his work cut out for him but is making progress.

    1. I've come to see I need to check back often with the MTurk hits and I have better luck earning. That's kind of what I'm thinking - start setting some aside each month (in HSA or even just savings) that will cover a deductible, at minimum. Yes, we totally see eye to eye on this insurance. I am disappointed that it's been almost 2 years and not much has changed with the insurance promise, though.
