Sunday, September 23, 2018

The future generation

Friday the guys framing got done at same time I was done working for the day. The head framing guy is the son of our contractor. He's only 26, but sure seems to know his stuff. I love his attention to details. After the other two guys (one is his younger brother and the other is a guy in his 40's) left for the day, our framer hung around and was talking with DH. Since I had been sitting at my desk most of the day and was done and needed a break, I went outside to get some fresh air and sat in on their chat. The 3 of us ended up sitting there talking for 2 hours!

This young man has to be the most self aware person, of any age, I have ever met. I am just astounded by the insight he has into himself, good and bad traits. And interspersed often into the conversation was him saying how blessed his life is. You just don't hear that kind of talk by many young people his age. I know at his age we were never that appreciative of what we had in our lives. Most his age (and we were the same way) were very self absorbed into our lives. Heck, not even many people my age are that self aware or thoughtful about their lives. He is very aware of interactions with and understanding of those around him, whether it be family (he has 5 brothers and sisters), friends, those that work with and for him, or those (like us) that he works for in his business.

It was quite refreshing and sure gave me hope that there are young folk with those kinds of qualities as part of our future generation. I felt very blessed to have that conversation we had with him and to get to know him better.


  1. People like him rarely make the news, if ever.

    1. can you imagine if the news was more about the good people.....

  2. How refreshing! This young man will do well in life!

  3. Isn't it something that meeting a kind, mature, insightful polite person makes you take notice when it used to be that the uncaring, immature rude ones used to be the exception. So happy tgat you have a hard working, conscientious person doing work for you!

    1. I still kind of think the uncaring, immature ones are the norm, but it's nice to know there are some good ones out there
