Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Sunday/Monday and other Weird stuff

The rest of the long weekend we just tried to relax as much as possible. We did continue to do some re-arranging of stuff. Just trying to make it easier to move around and access stuff for daily living.  While we were in the city Friday we picked up a few things for the bathroom. A small medicine cabinet with a mirror, a towel rack, a hand towel ring holder, a hook to put next to shower for a towel, and a coat rack with hooks. At least we'll have somewhere to hang some jackets now. We were also going to get some cabinets for above and beside the washer and dryer, but we wanted the brown ones and those have to be ordered. Lowe's only stocked the white ones. Dang, the medicine cabinets with mirrors are expensive! Most were like $100-$130. We opted for a small one (we wanted brown cabinet) for $44.

of course, now that all our accessories are brown, I'm not digging the chrome vanity light I bought. Oh well, it will work.

I've been reading a lot. Thank goodness for e-books. We've been trying to sit out and enjoy our patio area, but the bees are terrible right now. Saturday and Monday evenings DH listened to some racing online. Then he got to watch the highlights the next morning, online.

I don't think DH is going to be able to keep much of a relationship going with his brother that lives nearby. He called him last night (after getting a text from him). He apparently drinks quite often (which we kind of already suspected over the years) and then wants to talk on the phone about their "awful" childhood. He blames their parents, he blames DH. Which DH doesn't remember (nor does his younger sister) that way. And he seems to have a lot of blame/resentment towards DH about it. They are only 15 months apart in age (DH the older). There is another brother 7 years older than DH and then two sisters younger than all of them. He seems to think their parents played favorites and also that they were beaten as kids. DH is like I'm pretty sure I would remember getting spanked/beaten...and then he's on and on about how DH was better looking, taller, etc (DH is just a very average looking kid/adult). Brother is short and yes, he was born the youngest of the 3 boys. Good grief - the stuff he is complaining about is 40 to 50 years ago! Not to mention DH doesn't remember most of it in the same way as apparently brother does. Dh says, well, I wasn't the best big brother growing up, neither was their other brother, but we turned out pretty decent adults, I think. I can't change how mom and dad were or what order we were born or our physical traits. Brother says "ya, don't feel guilty about it". DH said, well, I don't feel guilty. It's nothing I had any control over. LOL. They've been talking off and on since Memorial Day weekend. DH has been nothing but complimentary of his brother, especially how he's turned out as an adult. Of course, a lot of kids growing up in a big family, probably don't get a long too well with their siblings as children. I remember my best friend in jr. high and high school had a younger brother and sister and none of them seemed to get a long at all. Now they are all 3 very close.

Then the kicker during their phone call last night. For whatever reason, brother was remembering a time when the two of them and a visiting cousin went out cruising one night in DH's car. DH said he was only like 15 at the time (you could get your license at 15 in this state), so brother was 14. They ran into 2 or 3 girls in a car. One of the girls and DH were in same class and kind of liked each other and had been doing some talking on the phone. They all got in DH's car and went and hung out awhile at a park or somewhere. When they were leaving, DH said he joked and pretended the car wouldn't start and said to the girl (sitting next to him) "I think I need a kiss for the car to start". She kissed him and he started up the car and they went back to the girls car and dropped them off. He didn't even really remember this memory until his brother brought it up last night. DH said he and the girl did end up going out on a couple of dates after that, with also, just a goodnight kiss. Just innocent 1979, 15 year old stuff. He was just trying to be cute and flirt with her.

Get this: Brother says to him on the phone last night: "that's the definition of rape. She probably could have gone her whole life without being raped". Are you kidding me? He was a kid, 40 years ago, in fun and innocence, asked a girl for a kiss, and his brother says he raped her?" From the sounds of it, DH thinks brother was being totally serious. What the hell?! Are we missing something here? Pretty much just blew both our minds. DH was really bothered by it, after getting off the phone. Like DH said this morning. "I don't need this kind of crap in my life, nor do I need to be made to feel like crap by a drunk".


  1. WOW! Just WOW! That is awful! Yes, his brother definitely has issues. Sad really. There are some people that are just better off a state or so away.

  2. Drinking will do that to a brain, turn it in onto itself. I think thinking is sort of like looking at a trajectory - like a lot of things in life. Trajectory can be adjusted early on and life will go one way, much harder to adjust later. But that trajectory can go very different if those self awareness adjustments are not made. So sad. Just want to tell them to snap out of their pitty party. Can see why you guys want no part of it, he will try to drag you down too. From a distance is how I have to hold a lot of family/former friends.

    1. yes, I'm pretty sure we'll be back to just sticking to ourselves. Life is easier that way.

  3. I think your husband was very lucky he and you got married. Probably the brother didn't marry as wisely, and has had a hard life as a result. Just guessing. If young people ask my advice I always say get it right (marriage) the first time and your life will be a lot smoother.

    1. that's the really weird part. He did marry a nice woman after college and still married. They both are have college degrees and good jobs. Just now sure where he got his skewed view of their childhood or past events. Has to be the drinking

  4. Dayem!
    Who needs a brother like that. I would avoid him. I guess in his alcohol fueled mind these stories are what he believes. No one needs that crap. Real life can be bad enough at times.
    It's really too bad. :(

    1. I know right?! He's a super smart (book smart, though, not street smart) but Dayem, is right!

  5. My brother like to drink and discuss our childhood. He did talk about real issues like my mother's cousin molesting/raping him when he was 13. He went on a rant one day about our mother having dentures and why did her mother not teach her to brush her teeth and the fact our grandmother had no teeth either.

    Well, our grandmother was not toothless at all. She was born in 1800s and like many of that era had molars missing in the back. Drunks are so convincing. I checked with my younger sister, and she said memaw had teeth.

    I am the oldest of five, so I would know better than him lots of things he just kept getting wrong and being angry about. I was the only one in the family who would talk to him. He needed that but I did not need the grief, so I kept my distance. I never refused to talk.

  6. We were 7 but the one sister is just like this. Always "poor me, you guys get everything and I get nothing". What she fails to mention is that we all worked from the get-go but not her. You know working Saturdays and school holidays just wasn't her scene. She lied and always played the poor little black sheep. Sad really as she can be really, really funny but she plays this poor little hurt soul to everyone. Give it a break, she's 64. Thankfully she lives in Denmark so we don't have much to do with her - again sad because we are a close family if she could get over her delusions/lies. And talking of alcohol, my alcoholic ex really did believe his crap. I think when you get that far into the booze your lies become your new truth!

  7. Linda and Treaders - pretty much makes me glad I'm an only child, LOL. I do have step siblings, but we don't have the history/relationship like blood siblings have. Our parents didn't marry until we were teenagers and older.
