Tuesday, September 11, 2018

No more barking?

So, we've been living in the shop a few weeks now. I've mentioned the neighbors 3 (used to be 4) big dogs........and the barking. During the construction of the shop these pasts months, for the most part they have gotten very used to having neighbors now and don't bark excessively anymore.....except early on weekday mornings. The couple both leave before 6am and shortly after they leave the barking starts in, by mostly one dog, for about an hour, then he will finally stop. Honestly, I think he stops because we get up, let our dogs out and activity starts up. We don't usually get up until 7, so being woken up at 6am and listening to a dog bark pretty much non-stop while you are still trying to sleep is not a great way to wake up.  The only good part is guy only works 4 days a week and has Fridays off, plus last Monday was a holiday, so we only had to listen to it 3 mornings last week.

A couple of times they have mentioned to DH they were getting a bark collar (or whatever they are called) to try. Yesterday morning was probably the worst the dog has been, plus he got one of their other dogs to join in. We weren't too happy.  DH says "I thought they said they were getting a bark collar?" When neighbor got home from work yesterday he told DH they put the collar on him, how was he? DH was like "oh you did? well, actually he was probably the worst he's been!.....but now that I think about it - I don't think I even heard him bark at all the rest of the day". so maybe he figured it out after barking awhile.

This morning he barked a few times, stopped.  A little later barked a few more times, stopped and that was it.  Good, sounds like this will work.  These neighbors go to bed super early (like 7pm) and get up at 3:30am (seriously!).  We wouldn't let our dogs bark all evening while they were sleeping, so I guess we expect the same courtesy from them, while we are trying to sleep. Fortunately, they apparently realized that the dogs are barking and we didn't have to complain about it (hate being a complainer!).

I got my first FedEx delivery at the new address. Small town - same guy as at our old house. He was like "oh, you guys made it out here, huh?". LOL. He knew we were moving/building from chatting with him on deliveries at our old house.

Speaking of old house, I texted my old neighbor friend to say hi. She is so funny. She said on the weekend she was out at the back of her house (that faces our old house) trimming bushes and said she felt like she was being watched. No one was around.  Then she looked over at our old house (across a field between us) and said the "old guy was sitting on his scooter thing in his garage WATCHING me! - it was creepy!" LOL. Then she said he went inside, came back out with his lunch and sat there and watched her some more.  She called him "Creepy Clause".  I said ya, he does resemble Santa Clause a little. haha. We had a joke before where she called DH "Gladys" (from Bewitched tv show) because he would keep an eye what was going on outside (but not sit there and stare). I said "betcha miss old Gladys now, huh?!!" LOL

They got the garage attached to the house all put up yesterday. Today they are trying to get the big great room "window wall" raised up and set. Sounds like a job. They are trying to use the forklift to do it. Then they are supposed to start on interior walls. 


  1. Maybe you could mention something about not getting enough sleep. Barking dogs are my nemesis. That is creepy having someone sitting and watching. The other people have moved in already?

    1. Well, we were going to have to bring it up, but then neighbor guy brought it up and said they got the bark collar and tried it yesterday. This morning was pretty good, so hoping that is the status quo from now on. Yes, the new owner of our old house has moved in. I'm pretty sure he moved in right after closing at end of August.

  2. Our neighbours got a dog because he (the arrogant husband) was going to train it because "he was skilled in that kind of thing". They went away and left the old grandpa to take care of the dog and that bloody thing barked 24/7 for 2 weeks. I guess somebody complained because not long after that the dog was rehomed. Thank God. Dogs need company, which is why I wasn't getting one - even though I wanted one - while being gone 12 hours a day for work! It's common sense really isn't it.

    1. I agree. The only reason we got our dogs is because someone was home all day to be with them. Sometimes they are outside by themselves, but if they start barking for some reason (they usually don't unless someone shows up) we correct them and bring them in. Our neighbor couple is gone all day, but their dogs have a dog door they can go in and out of whenever 24/7. So, when they are not at home, they didn't even realize their dogs barked so much.
