Tuesday, September 18, 2018

My ear hurts

Holy Moly - I got right through to the IRS (about a 2 minute wait on hold) but was on the phone for an hour and 15 minutes! All's he did was look up my account, figure out that somehow two of my payments got put under my soc sec# and the rest under my DH's. Took him forever to put me on  hold and fix that and then says I still owe $240. I'm like how? Is this penalties and interest? plus I already sent a payment of $64 for penalties and interest, so that makes a total of over $300?. He put me on hold yet again (like the 4th time) to use another "tool" to calculate and said it's now $214. I'm like, wow - that still seems like a lot of penalty and interest for what I owed, and since I paid it off in 3 months. $300 in penalties and interest seems like a lot for owing $2450 and paying it off it 3 months.

Other than the payment mailed in with the tax return, all the other payments were done online, under my log in/soc sec#. So, how some of the payments got put under DH's "account" and some under mine is a mystery.

I found this website online that calculates the failure to pay penalty (I filed on time, just didn't pay the balance in full on time) and calculates the interest. According to this -where I enter my amount due, all the payments and dates - it shows my total penalties and interest to be at around $55. What the heck. I asked the guy to clarify what is penalties and interest broken down, as the only thing I received showed $64 in penalties and interest (probably because when that was calculated they were missing two payments). According to IRS website late payment penalties are 1/2 of 1 percent, per month, of the outstanding balance. Interest is 5%. Supposedly he generated a letter to send to me showing the penalties and interest.  He was a very nice guy and I was super nice on the phone. Even though inside I was like "what the heck?!" I was nice as can be. I figure most people that call the IRS probably don't want to have to talk to them, let alone, feel like they are in a nice mood. I know I owed the money (and I paid it) - I'm just trying to figure out how they just sent me a notice that $831 is owed. I think I get that part now. They were missing 2 $400 payments, so $800 plus additional penalties and interest = $831, I guess. But then when I logged into my online payment account, it shows every payment I made as under MY name/account, but then showed a balance of $1041 on that. How can all the payments be listed at what I can view, but when the guy looks at his end, two of the payments are missing. It's not making any sense at all. I'll probably just pay this $214.  See how it all comes out in the wash after they get the two $400 payments posted correctly and backdated.  Hopefully they will either explain it to me or I'll end up with an over payment I can apply to this years taxes.

We got some fairly good news about FIL. He had a recheck on his lung and the cancer growth has stayed the same. They are going to continue to monitor it another 3 months, while they deal with his heart issues. His cardiologist also referred him to another doctor, who is more specialized with doing the stent placement with his issues, so after they have that evaluation appointment, maybe will be able to have the stent put in, after all. Hoping for the best.

My mom continues to show signs of forgetfulness. I might also be noticing it more because I'm trying to call her more often, more like twice a week, instead of once a week. I told her last week that I was coming over for a visit in October. Gave her the date. Told her DD's and my plans. My boss will pick me up at the airport, take me back to the office for the afternoon and then DD will pick me up there after she gets off work and we'll come down to my mom's house and spend the night and then Friday we'll go wedding dress shopping. DD told me last night that she called her to say hi. Asked her if I told her about me coming to visit. She said at first she didn't remember then said "oh yes, the 4th or 5th?" and DD said no, not until the 25th. Then DD mentioned about going dress shopping and she didn't remember that, then said she did, but didn't realize she was going too. Ok, I can see how she might not have understood that we wanted her to go dress shopping, too.  But, I'm pretty sure she said she was putting on her calendar when I was coming. She's probably getting so she doesn't remember to look on her calendar! There's also been something else we've been discussing with her finances that she is having a hard time remembering. I even sent her the info in an email, so she'd have it, but she seems to be confused/forgetful about it. It kind of seems like she does remember things, but if you "put her on the spot" so to speak, and say "did you know.....", she can't recall it right away.


  1. Oh my goodness, I've had dealings with the IRS for the pittance my son earns over here in France. They tell me on the phone that what we did was correct but then keep sending letters saying "you got it wrong". It's a bit like the French tax people - think of a number and double it. And so sorry to hear about your mom - you become more aware of it when you don't see them regularly don't you. Good luck.

    1. I'm still baffled by what the extra $214 I owe is. It will be interesting to see the notice/letter when I get it. Otherwise I guess I'll be calling back again....ugh.

  2. IRS math is obviously different that of the common person! I would stay on it as long as it takes. Sorry about the ear. When I got through talking to ATT, my ear always hurt.

    1. I hope it gets fixed and I don't have to call back again!
