Friday, September 28, 2018

I'm home

Even living in a shop, which isn't ideal by any means, I feel much more "at home" here than I did at our house in town, which we lived in for almost 2 years. I feel it when I walk to our mailbox, of all things. I feel like this is my "place".  Living in town was too close for comfort with other people for me. I didn't like having neighbors on all sides of me, literally just feet away. Anytime I went outside I felt like I was being watched.

We do have neighbors here. One directly on one side of us, but I don't feel like that at all with them. I enjoy seeing them outside. We have neighbors down at the end of the street (though we can't see their place from our place), too, that we occasionally cross paths with. But that is it. The other nearest neighbors are like a mile away. I guess I am just more of a hermit type, LOL. I like my solitude. I like being able to go outside on our back patio and no one can see us and we can't see anyone. Though, someday that may change, if someone ever builds on the lot on the other side of us, for now it's perfect. Our house sits more forward towards the river than our neighbor, so when we are on our back patio we can't see their back patio.

We've been spending most dinners and early evenings sitting on our back patio. It's so relaxing. It will be nicer when we can get some decent patio furniture LOL. I'm not buying any this year, since we don't have anywhere to store it in the winter. Plus, whenever I look at stuff, just to get an idea, it's all so expensive, even on sale.

We have an acquaintance who has an airplane he stores at the little airport near us. The other evening a small plane flew over pretty low twice. We thought it might have been him, but it wasn't. He said he needs to do an early morning flight soon. This morning at 7:30 I heard a small plane fly right over. DH texted him and it was him, LOL.  He still owes me a sight seeing flight, haha. He asked me a long time ago, but he probably forgot. He had a lot of personal stuff to deal with last year, so I don't think he flew much if any at all.  But, glad to see his life his getting back to normal, now.

It's my half day Friday. And it's pay day. Double good day :)


  1. Looks like you have already started toenjoy the peace and quiet. That's really nice. Keeping fingers crossed for you for the house be finished on time. It is getting cold in here. I am sure it is colder where you are.

    1. cold nights, but the days are nice and fall temps

  2. What a great place to be! I've never been one who enjoyed close neighbors either. There is something to be said for remote living, few people want to do it! Works for me!

    Glad you are still getting some nice days, especially with your house under construction. Our temps have been in the 30s, and that is during the day! Brr.

    1. getting cold in your neck of the woods! I hope ours holds off a bit longer, for sure with the building
