Friday, December 29, 2017

How to blow money

I forgot to mention, that after we took DD and BF out to dinner we drove over to our friends place, since they were only about 5 miles away. We had texted them earlier to see if they wanted to meet and have dinner with us, but they had just gone out the night before and were just hanging out at home and feel free to stop by, so we did. DD wanted to meet them. She was about 4 years old when they came to our house for a quick visit, so she doesn't remember, LOL.

DH's buddy can't win with his family. He has the week off (his wife doesn't) so his kids wanted him to take them (almost 500 miles each way) to visit their grandparents/cousins, back to where we used to live (he's originally from there, too). He didn't want to for 2 reasons - the cost and driving when this weather is worse now in this part of the week/weekend. DH talked to him yesterday and he said they are mad at him he was driving in the terrible icy/snowy roads into the city to take them to a movie, LOL. DH is like well that will cost him close to $100 for tickets and food!

Another thing he was discussing with DH: they are selling 3 of their 14 acres to some friends. I think the figure is like $25,000. DH was like "oh, are you going to be able to use some of it to finish the inside of your shop, then?" (because he's always saying he wants to finish it) and he's like well, no because then wife would say "well, what do I get out of it?". Guess what they are planning to do with a majority of that money? He said $10,000-$15,000 for a vacation!! Every time DH talks to him he's complaining he doesn't have enough money each month, his house/property tax payment went up $300, etc, etc. So, ya, go blow $15,000 on something that will be over and done with in a week. I can totally see a well off family (like the owners of the company I work for) doing something like that, no problem, but not when you are just making ends meet. 

He's also mentined he got a lot of overtime this past year, which he hasn't gotten before, much. He makes $20 an hour, so about $42k a year. This year he made like $50 or $52k. I said to DH, he made $10k more than he is used to making, still can barely make ends meet......what's he going to do this next year, if he doesn't get that overtime again?

ah well, glad it's not me that has to deal with that.  I'm still feeling really "rich" now - my paycheck deposited this morning and the check for the rockery hasn't cleared, haha!! Time to get online and pay bills (that aren't set to automatic). Soon it will be tax time!  Wonder if/how much extra I might be seeing in my paycheck come February?? I'm hoping it's at least a little bit, especially if I do not get a raise again this year.


  1. Curious how other people spend money, but if they are not impact in my life, it will stay a curiosity. Why are you expecting an increase in you paycheck in February? I missed that.

    1. It is curious to see how other people's minds work, that's for sure. Supposedly with the new tax cut bill, we are supposed to see less taxes withheld, starting in February.

  2. "'To each his own" said the lady as she kissed the cow."

    1. yep, for sure. I'm just not the type to complain over and over about a situation I am in and then do the opposite. LOL.

  3. I figure everyone knows what is important to them and if someone's vacation is most important so be it. (Of course I will admit to not being so hands off with the way Son3 manages his funds. I seem to let my opinions fly with him)

    1. it's hard not to when it's your kids LOL. DH doesn't interject his opinion to friend about his finances, but just interesting to see how people make decisions, isn't it?

  4. You may see a few cents more in your paycheck but it's temporary and all relative to the cost of living increase. I believe only Big Businesses and the Wealthy will benefit. Let's be realistic. It's all smoke and mirrors.

    1. My hunch is you have not read (or perhaps don't understand) the new bill. Certainly not as you say all smoke and mirrors.

    2. a 10 year tax cut really doesn't feel that temporary to me, I guess. Sure, businesses will benefit more, but in my case I feel the company I work for has always been generous towards its employees and will do so even more with less going out in taxes.

    3. Exactly! I am thankful for the tax cuts!

  5. I cannot imagine the wife's logic about "what is she going to get out of it?" It seems the property would be improved if his shop is finished. Plus, it seems he might make things or repairs things that would add to their life. I hope they are all safe on the trip.

    1. that's exactly what I said! She is getting her home value increased with a shop finished inside. I think she is more about the here and now that she can enjoy. It will be interesting to see where they end up going on that kind of vacation.

  6. Goodness, I will never understand it. My ex was like that (came home one day with a 60,000 dollar car -mine was value at 1,000 in the divorce). He also had a single friend who made good money (no kids etc.) and was being chased by both the German and Swiss authorities for unpaid debts. I spent an entire weekend writing letters to credit companies for him trying to sort his crap out - he never even mailed them. Went out for lunch and dinner every night but didn't pay his bills. I do wonder if ex gave him money. Anyway no longer my problem but it really isn't rocket science is it. Oh, and best wishes Anna

    1. I guess I could kind of see that way of thinking if these friends were younger, in their 30's, but she is 51 and he is 44, with two teenagers, possibly college soon? well, I think they are banking on the son getting a football scholarship. We'll see!

  7. Wow, I can't even begin to imagine spending that much on a vacation with money already being so tight.

    1. it sounds like they are getting quite a bit more than $25k I thought DH said. I still couldn't imagine spending that on a vacation, when like you said money is tight for them and he also has a pretty old vehicle that will probably need replacing in the near future.
