Thursday, December 21, 2017


My USPS Priority mail package apparently decided to take the scenic route to get here. It took 7 days! Ridiculous. But, it's here now all safe and sound. And my boss sent me a $200 Visa gift card

The fluorescent light in my kitchen went out. The whole thing. When both bulbs would not turn on I knew it was the fixture itself that went bad. What are the odds that both bulbs would burn out at same time? Of course there is nothing here in town hardware store that will fix it. DD is stopping at Lowes tonight to pick up what we need and will bring it with them when they head over tomorrow morning. She's all excited because she thought she was going to have to work 3 1/2 hours tomorrow morning, but her boss told her she could work from home, so that will save her commute time and they can get on the road earlier than planned.

They did trade his truck in for a newer used F-150. Looks sharp in the photo's she sent. They should be able to get here by late afternoon tomorrow, hopefully in time for dinner. We got quite a bit of snow yesterday, but the mountain pass looks pretty good for their travel over.

I'm getting the bedding on guest bed washed up. I've slept in the bed a couple of times recently, due to DH snoring. We set up the dog crate, so their puppy can sleep in at night or put in if we go somewhere. I think we will take them to an nice steak dinner Saturday night.


  1. That is good news...and such a nice gift as well!

    1. a very nice gift! I'll probably be saving it for "house" stuff LOL.

  2. It is great the check arrived and before you owe money. I hate when things decide to break before a holiday. At least it did not go at the last moment.

    1. just in the nick of time! We gave the rockery guy his money yesterday.

  3. Wow, absolutely fantastic blog. I am very glad to have such useful information.

