Thursday, December 28, 2017

Do nothing day

Today is just going to be a sit around and relax day, I think. It's been snowing since I got up.  Yesterday I cleaned house.  DH is doing laundry today. Looks like he'll have to get out and shovel the driveway. We are supposed to get like 12 inches over the next couple of days. We'll see. The weather experts always seem to over estimate what we will end up with.  Sure is pretty though. Feels like I live in a snow globe LOL.

My kitchen overhead fluorescent light went out last week. Of course the hardware store here in town doesn't have anything like that. We thought we were ordering a whole replacement fixture from Home Depot. It came yesterday and was just the cover/diffuser. GAH! Before we ordered that he tried to switch it over to LED bulbs, but turns out the LED tubes we bought at local hardware store still had to be used with a ballast and he had already cut the wire and removed the ballast. So, now we ordered some LED tubes that do not need ballast and they should be here Tuesday.

We got 3 days of turkey and leftovers and we are done with that, now. Back to regular cooking. I'm going to have to get to the store sometime soon. Was hoping with my days off we could get some shopping done, but the weather is not cooperating for a 55 mile trip to the city. Oh well. Will have to clean out the cupboards of what we have and maybe a trip to the local grocery here in town for milk.

I think if DD were single she would probably end up moving to this area, near us....getting a job/living in the nearby city. She really likes it here and told me if it wasn't for her BF's good job they'd probably do it. She said when she comes over to visit, she doesn't want to go back to all the people/traffic/crime, etc. On the way back home, their puppy was napping the whole way and when they crossed the border into their state puppy woke up, looked out the window and growled. LOL. She said "I hear ya, pup!".

DH signed up for this "VIP membership" online last month. Thought he was paying $8.95 for a year membership. Turns out it's a monthly charge! Now I'm trying to get it canceled. Apparently no way to do this online. GRRR! I sent them an email and a Facebook message. I did just get a Facebook reply, asking for the zip code the account was set up in, so hopefully it will get taken care of. After I googled it I found some others complaining they couldn't get it canceled and had to close their card! I am not closing my debit card. I'll just dispute it if they charge again and get it taken care of that way. I'll pay the 2nd charge, DH's (and my) dumb fault for signing up in the first place.

Tomorrow is payday. Yay. I'm feeling really rich, because the guy has not cashed our check yet for all the rock and equipment rental. Wonder if he is waiting until after the 1st of the year, so he doesn't have to claim the income in this year. If that's the case, wish he would have just said that rather than me stressing over not getting that bonus check in time! haha.

Well, off to do nothing...........


  1. Doing nothing is all I have been doing and I am ready to get to work! I am brainstorming today - after I get through reading blogs! I hate those monthly charge things - they are putting people in the poor house. They can $9 and $10 you to death!

    1. someone from the company replied to my facebook message and said she canceled it. Hope she did!

  2. Daughter will probably be back to your area. Mark my words. If the guy is holding your check for the first of the year, he might have felt better getting your check in his hand. The ballast thing is confusing. Here, we usually have reports of a dusting of snow and end up having to shovel the "dusting." I had a charge like yours. Exbf let me put it on his cc and I would pay every month. Now, he is not happy at all. So, it was canceled but still they try to lure me back.

    1. I would be very surprised if DD's BF would move here, especially with his family living near him. The LED/ballast thing is confusing! I think the monthly charge got canceled. We'll see next month.

  3. We went through something like that with an online newspaper subscription. It was a nightmare getting them to cancel it. I finally called our credit card company and had them put a block on any future attempts from that company to charge us.

    1. that's what I'm thinking I will try to do, if they keep charging me and see if they can put a block, rather than canceling the whole card.
