Sunday, December 17, 2017

another peaceful day to myself and crappy cookies

So, I cut my hair myself yesterday morning. Got rid of like 2+ inches off the bottom. I googled how to do it, LOL.  Much better! I'd still like to get more off, but my only really sharp scissors are small ones and the higher up I tried to cut off, the thicker my hair got and then it wasn't so easy to cut evenly. It was getting so long and I was hating it. Now it's just below my collar bone and doesn't look so straggly. I think I might order some good scissors to have on hand for this!  The online video showed someone with longer hair, but mine was long enough to split wet hair into two sides and pull in front and put rubber bands in, then cut below the rubber band. Easy peasy.

DH was at the property all day again, but texted me a bunch of pictures and the side rock wall is all done. Looks great, I think. He said it's hard to get a good picture. If he stands way back and takes it you can't really see the depth that it's 2 levels.

He estimated needing 4 loads for this part of the wall, but said they only used 2 1/2 loads, so that will be less loads we have to get for the lower rock wall. (next Spring). That level dirt area between rock tiers will be landscaped. I think we got this rockery wall done for a steal. Rock and labor for a total of $2650. That might seem like a lot to some, but that is very cheap. From Home Advisor: Natural stones like boulders and rocks are heavy and difficult to work with. Expect to pay a minimum of $25 per square foot for labor and materials. The hourly cost for building with dry stacking stones is $65/hr.  What we got done would calculate (I'll verify total sqft w/dh when he gets up) to a $15,000 rock wall, and that is what DH said, too last night. Like the asphalt guy commented, most places those rocks are $200 each. We paid the guy $20/hour to operate the loader/stack it/decide what goes where. DH gave him an extra $40. Money well spent. Included in that money is also getting 2 trees pushed over and out of the way.

I got my presents all wrapped. About half way into it my butter was softened, so I made up my sugar cookie dough so it could get in the fridge to get chilled. Then I finished up the wrapping, while listening to Christmas music. Then I watched a Christmas movie on tv. Dough got chilled and I made the sugar cookies. aRGH#%. I just cannot get those right! It's a simple recipe. My mom (and me when I lived at home as a kid) have made them for years and years. Mine either do not hold the cookie cutter shape and poof out, but taste great, OR if I can get them to hold the shape (so you can actually tell it's a star or a tree) then they taste blah!. I have tried real butter and margarine.  This time I used margarine, thinking the butter was causing the shape mutations the past years. I want to give our neighbors across the field some cookies and wanted them to look like the shapes! So, today I got cookies that baked into shapes and taste blah! When  my mom makes these cookies they are melt in your mouth sweetness. Maybe the powdered sugar was too old? Too much flour? rolling the dough is such a pain for me. It sticks to no matter what I try, so I really tried to add more flour this time, so I could get them to roll out, not stick to the rolling pin and not stick to the cookie cutter and not stick to the surface I rolled them on.  I guess I will go buy some new powdered sugar and try again! I want my dang Christmas cookies!


  1. Hey, I cut my own hair the very same way! Years ago I bought a good pair of scissors and hair is the only thing I use them for. They have more than paid for themselves with how much I've saved by not paying for haircuts.

    Love, love, love the wall and the scenery behind it! I know we live many states away, but I live in an area with very similar terrain. So peaceful. You really did get an excellent deal on the work you had done.

    No advice on the cookies. I pretty much suck at baking. Lol

    1. I'm definitely buying a pair of scissors for just hair. The scenery around our property is beautiful and I can't wait to be there every day. The river just calms my soul, as well.

  2. I heard that if you put the cutout cookies back in the refrigerator to chill for about 5 minutes before putting them in the oven, they should keep their shape. Good luck!

    1. I've heard that too and I was going to try it if the first sheet didn't hold their shapes. They held their shape, but taste blah :(

  3. I make a mean sugar cookie along with Italian cookies for Christmas! For sugars I got sick of making the same shapes every year. This year I made coffee or tea dunkers with my dough! And they loved them! Strips of dough, bake, a nice light icing on only one half of the stick and they looked so cute! Do you use real butter? Softened? Flour good? You honestly can not mess the dough up. Or it could be your frosting. I make a light frosting... milk, good vanilla and milk... confect. sugar.. make it so its just a bit less than a paste/ use your food coloring... comes out great! :)

    Merry Christmas!

    1. Hi Rose! I've tried both real butter (usually use this) and margarine. This time I used margarine, softened and dough chilled 3 hours. I don't use frosting, just sprinkles. Cookies taste like they have no sugar in them :(

  4. It is not the sugar. Sugar does not get old. I read that rolling the dough on parchment paper already in the pan that goes straight to the oven solves the problem of moving the cookies after they are cut. Do you put flour on your rolling pin? If the dough is sticking to everything, it might be the amount of flour. Do you sift the flour and then measure it. Or, follow to a T the directions? I am sure they are good. Since I spent yesterday throwing up from the flu, everything sounds good.

    1. I put a piece of parchment on the table for rolling on the dough. Sprinkled some flour so it wouldn't stick and sprinkled some flour on my rolling pin. Added a little if it started to stick again. I haven't sifted the flour. Years ago we used to sift (when I was a kid) but I thought flour was presifted now? The cookies look like Christmas cookies - they just taste blah this time.

  5. Try using the powdered sugar for dusting and not flour. Too much flour will make your dough tough. Test your baking powder and make sure it is still viable, cut out a bit if you're "puffing". If your shapes need more flavor, add extra vanilla (or whatever extract you are using). Oh, are you adding the Christmas magic? Make sure you do that!

    1. I think I'm missing the Christmas magic! ie - my mom's touch! Good idea on using the powdered sugar for dusting. This recipe doesn't call for baking powder, only baking soda (and it's fresh). My powdered sugar was a bit past date, but like Linda said, it's not really supposed to go bad.

    2. What temp are you baking at when they puff? Try a little lower temp on them-325, no higher. Freezing for about 10-15 min after you cut them out should help also. I think it's going to be a process of elimination! Lol what did Thomas Edison say about failures? (I really don't know much about anything, I just suggest here because baking is my "side hustle". Funny what people will pay/barter for homemade baked goods!)

  6. Your blog is very nice,Thanks for sharing good blog.

