Monday, December 4, 2017

Weekend update

I had a fun day Saturday. My neighbor across the street called up and wanted to see if I wanted to go to some holiday craft bazaars with her, her mom, and another lady. Heck ya - I'd love to get out of the house! We started out at the grade school bazaar. It was a pretty decent one. I ended up buying 4 handmade soaps (buy 3 get one free) and a lotion bar. She had lots of soap scents to choose from and I think friend and I sniffed all of them LOL. Then we went over to another one being held at the old original town school building. It wasn't much there at all, though I did buy a raffle ticket for a beautiful quilt and the money benefits the senior center. My property neighbor was working at that one, so got to say hello to her. Her hubby was playing Santa, but that part hadn't started yet, so I didn't get to see him. I can certainly see him as a jolly Santa type.

Then we stopped in next door to the florist/gift/coffee shop. I had never been in there before. What a cute place and decorated with lots of Christmas things for sale. The coffee smelled yummy and they also sell some sandwiches, as well as the florist part.

Next stop was the next town over. We stopped at a cafe to have some lunch first. The local ladies I was with were familiar with it, but hadn't been there in a long time. Apparently it's not as good as whoever used to own it. Very poor service. The coffee was luke warm and she didn't even bring the water and coffee until our order. But the conversation and company was fun. After we went to a big gift shop there in town. It's kind of a tourist stop place, but lots of stuff and lots of Christmas stuff out for sale this time of year. It's all really too pricey, but I did pick up a book on smoker/bbq recipes for dd's BF and a stocking stuffer for DH - where you can make your own little bit of "snow", since he's constantly whining if it isn't snowing.

Friday evening my SIL texted me that she was at a furniture store looking at a chair for her parents Christmas present. As I mentioned before she's not had much luck finding anything, especially in the price range she set. Well, this one was $950, what did I think (pics sent)? I told her it was ok with us and she said she was waiting to see if the salesperson could get the price any lower. He came back with like $660, $129 delivery/set up and $230 for a 5 year warranty, plus 10% sales tax, bringing the total to $1155 to be split 3 ways. Ugh, but oh well. SIL really wanted the warranty.

Then she texted me that she had googled the name/brand of the chair and found it for sale online for $603, no shipping and no tax! Sale price good thru the next day. But she didn't think then they could get a warranty. I said for $500 less, if the chair dies in a few years we can buy another one! Her DH said the same. Then I got online and looked it up on the site she was trying to look at via her phone. Found the 5 year warranty was also offered - for only $70! Saturday morning she ordered it. She did opt for an extra $50 for door delivery rather than free curbside delivery. They have a steep driveway and this would be better. So, I was only out $242, rather than $383. Much better! Plus she got to try it out in person, so knows she is getting what she wants for them. I would have spent probably $50 on a gift for her and her DH, which we decided not to exchange this year, due to the higher cost of the chair, so really the chair cost to me was like $192.

Of course, the one contractor from the city who said they could probably come out Saturday did not. I'll have another post about all that coming soon.


  1. Did you find out about the cost of the lift mechanism being given back to you by whoever it is that pays for those things?

    1. I did. It appears to be $275 or so. But she didn't end up getting a power lift type. She got one that has power reclining and power lifts up the foot rest and also a power headrest, so I don't think this is the type covered by medicare.

  2. What a fun day! Although often pricey, I prefer supporting mom and pop type of stores. That is a great deal for that chair! Also goes to show how much furniture is marked up. Your SIL did good looking elsewhere.

    1. that's what I told SIL - good job thinking to look it up online!I always forget that you can usually haggle with furniture stores. My mom always did. I hate haggling. it stresses me out LOL

  3. I bought two TV chairs over the weekend too. They look identical but one has a mechanical reclining system and the other is electrical with the lift. I bought that one thinking of my mom since she has difficulty closing the mechanical chair and getting up. I was able to choose the color of the fabric I wanted and the delivery will be early January. Both chairs cost me USD 1.200. There are more inexpensive alternatives but these were really comfy with a 4 year warranty.

    1. Nice! We really need a new recliner too. DH likes to sit in one and it's awful. The springs in the seat are lumpy! I was going to get us one as a gift to each other for Christmas, but since we had to spend extra for DH's parents chair, I'm holding off for now, but expecting to spend about $500 most likely

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