Saturday, December 9, 2017

So, it's Saturday already

I still needed a couple more gifts for DD. She had on her list a throw blanket and a hair straightener. Last time I bought her one (years ago) it was an expensive $100 one she wanted. This time she said it didn't have to be expensive, just a basic one. I ended up buying online from JC Penney. I haven't bought anything from them for years. I used to have a JC Penney credit card. My very first card I ever got, at age 18. I had it up until we filed for bankruptcy. I had used it off and on over all those years, never once late making a payment. As soon as we filed they canceled my card and I haven't been back since. Swagbucks offered 10% cash back, so made for a decent deal, also with a JCP 25% off code.

Still no word on the rock being hauled to our property that he said would be yesterday or tomorrow (people in this area SUCK at working!)........BUT. guess who called yesterday morning? H Co guy! When he said who he was on the phone DH (who is usually a very friendly person) just said "yep?". Guy sounded very humbled, compared to the way he acted the other two times DH talked to him. Said he owed him a call. DH said "yep". He said got busy that one day, forgot and then couldn't find our number. DH was just like well if you want to take a look at at and give me a bid, feel free (it's not like we have to use him). So,he said Saturday and he did call back and DH is meeting there with him right now.

Then we had a big fiasco with DH's doctor office yesterday and his cholesterol med. OMG! It's ridiculous. His visit was in July. He's been taking 5 mg of generic Crestor. We explained he first tried Simvastatin and it made his muscles ache. The dr. put him on Crestor 5mg and that was ok.  Then a few years ago, after a cholesterol recheck the dr wanted him to up it to 10mg, so he did.....and had muscles cramps again, so it was back to 5mg. We explained this to this new dr. She wrote the prescription for 5mg and also did a cholesterol blood test. It was time to pick up his prescription this week and I got online with Target pharmacy to get it filled for pick up. He was out of refills. So, what? the PA gave him like a 5 month prescription? I logged into his patient account w/dr. office and requested a refill for 7 months. The nurse called and said because of his last blood work the dr(PA) wanted him to go up to 10mg. I said well, he really doesn't want to do that and explained the muscle problem. She then said well, if he doesn't want to take 10mg then he'll need to come in and talk with the PA. I said well, he's almost out, so we'll need one refill until he can get an appointment. She says she'll call one in for 7 days and transfesr me to the front desk to make appt. She disconnects me instead. Before I called back I said to DH - either just try the 10mg or get the 10mg and take it every other day, like you did before. I call back and end up talking to front desk and say I want the nurse to know he'll go ahead with the 10mg and IF he has a problem with it, like he did in the past, then he'll come in for an office visit.

Yesterday morning I log into Target pharmacy to make sure it's filled, before we get there that afternoon. All's that got filled was the 5mg for 7 days. Obviously she didn't get the message. I called the dr. office and talked to the receptionist again, repeating he'll go ahead and try the 10mg and IF he has an issue, then he'll make an appt. She said that is what she told the nurse and put me on hold, came back and said the nurse thought she called it in for 10mg but she must have done 5mg, so she will call the pharmacy. We get to the pharmacy and they have the 10mg filled......for SEVEN days. OMG. I said, no it's supposed to be for 30 day supply and several refills. So pharmacy calls dr office and we go off to shop for a few items. We get back to the counter and she tells us the dr office won't fill it for 30 days unless he comes back in. Good Grief! He was just in there several months ago. He doesn't need to go in for another stupid $400 visit (that's what the first visit cost) to see a PA for cholesterol discussion. We left with no prescription. Like we told the pharmacist - it's a 2 hour round trip to come back while the stupid dr. office figures this out! I called the dr. office when I got home and ended up talking to someone completely different than the first two times. Basically I said either fill it for 5mg or 10mg (we don't care) and for 7 months, until it's time for him to go back in for his yearly check up, or never mind.  The only reason she told me he needed to come in to see the PA was when I said he didn't want to take then when he agreed to 10mg. he still needs to go in?

I'm tired of being annoyed by people who can't do their job effectively.


  1. I have often had those kind of problems with medical professionals. It's so hard to get them corrected. They forget what they've told you as soon as you close the door. I think they see so many people that they can't remember what they've said.

    1. I agree. Doctors drive me nuts. And this nurse at the local office seems a bit worthless as far as using some common sense

  2. You didn't hear it from me, but could the 10 mg tablet be scored? If so, pill cutters only cost a couple of bucks. How frustrating!

    1. No, don't score it. Go to a walk in and explain the problem to a doctor, not a PA. It will be closer and cost less. Explain the problem with PA. Some are good; others, not so good. I have one pa I refuse to see. They don't have as much latitude as a doctor.

      Several times I have gone to my regular doctor at walk in and he has told me if I called, he would have called in med. I keep telling him I received a call that I HAD to come in and talk to him. I do ask for something called in and PA will not unless I come in. If I paid $400 for a visit, I would want to talk to dr! Can you find a closer dr for this in-between visit?

    2. Only score a pill with a score line. Otherwise, you do not know what kind of dosage is in the separate pieces. If it is a coated pill, it might hurt his stomach.

    3. Linda, speaking as a nurse, you can score tablets even without a score line. Meds are often ordered this way to get a correct dosage. Not uncommon at all.

    4. A couple years ago, when he tried the 10mg and it was affecting him too much I tried to score the pills. I even bought an expensive pill cutter off Amazon (for like $20-25 bucks!) but the pills were so tiny I could never get them to split very well - or I just wasn't using the cutter correctly. All the reviews said you could split tiny pills. That was when it wasn't generic yet and it was $170 a month for a 30 day supply! I would have done just about anything to get that supply to last 60 days! LOL
