Thursday, December 7, 2017

If I could have thought of a title, I would have posted this hours ago!

The wheels are verrry slowly starting to move forward this week. The builder finally emailed back (hey, took him only a week and a half) about where to go to look at things like windows, doors, etc. He gave us the name of a building supply place he says he uses for a lot of that stuff. It will at least give us ideas and cost ranges. We are going to go visit there next Tuesday and see what we can accomplish.

Haven't heard back from the guy DH met with on Tuesday, who said he could probably haul the rock in Friday or Saturday. I'm going to hold my breath and see if that really happens.

Nothing much else is new. We are going into city this weekend to stock up on groceries and pick up prescriptions. I didn't realize DH's doctor only gave him a 3 month prescription on his cholesterol med. Why? LOL. why not just do it for the year? So, I had to log into his health account w/doctor office and request them do the refill. If they don't get it to pharmacy by tomorrow, I guess we can pick that one up when we are in the city on Tuesday.

My office has an account with Staples for office supplies. I've always thought it very "behind the times" that you can't view invoices and pay them online. I mean really, who can't you do that with nowadays?! Well, today I received Staples statement and it says they now offer online bill paying. So, I log in (the login our receptionist uses to order supplies) and don't see anything where I can pay. They have an "account chat" feature so I open it and ask about paying online. I then get transferred, via chat, to another dept, who tells me she turned now on the feature for our account and to log out and then log back in. I do, but do not see any payment feature/option. Of course my chat box is closed now, so I open again and ask the next person that answered the chat question. She transfers me. I explain again and that person says "I'm sorry, we do not offer online payments". OMG! I said well Amanda just told me she turned it on, your statement says right on it that you do......I literally ended up being "on hold" via chat for 45 minutes while she researched it. She kept checking back and thanking me for waiting, she was checking with her supervisor, etc. I was starting to get annoyed and about ready to just say "oh never mind" and close the chat, but I decided to be nice. Obviously she was working on it, probably getting stressed on her end that she was keeping me on hold forever and couldn't figure it out. I just replied "ok, I'm still here😀.  I guess it's a new option and they don't know how to turn it on. I was then referred to call another dept.  I think I'll just keep paying by check. LOL.

I haven't heard anything about the cookie exchange that was mentioned at my book club meeting in October. The woman who was going to do it must have changed her mind. No email about it. I'll probably just make my cookies the weekend of the 15th then.  I was looking forward to being able to get a variety of cookies to have. Oh well.

I usually just make my mom's sugar cookie recipe for our Christmas cookies. They taste yummy, even though they are a pain to make and when I make them they always poof out and lose the Christmas cookie cutter shape detail, so some of them you can't really tell what they are supposed to be. If I was doing the exchange I didn't want to share some mutant looking cookies, so I was going to make "Mexican wedding balls" that my mom used to also always make.  I was going to make a pumpkin pie for Christmas dinner, (I've still been craving it) but again, I'm the only one that likes it, so messaging with DD we decided to try making a peppermint bark cheesecake, instead, while she is here over Christmas.


  1. When I am on chat, if figure it takes them two minutes to get back to me and say "yes" because they are multi-tasking and helping someone else at the same time. I hate chat with businesses.

    1. at least, since I have dual screens, I could still work while I waited for the chat response

  2. Avid reader, first time commenter: just a little side note here about pumpkin pie. Make half your filling recipe and bake it in custard cups. You'll get 6 little pumpkin pie puddings, which are perfect to curb cravings. Plus there are fewer calories sans crust and you can freeze the little darlings!

    1. ooooh! that's a great idea!! Thank you for commenting :)

  3. Sorry, this comment is not related to this post. Several years ago I came across a recipe of yours on Pinterest for oatmeal breakfast cupcakes. I have made them several times and my family loved them! I can no longer access this recipe and was wondering you would be willing to post it here so I can start making this favorite breakfast for my family again. Thank you so much!

    1. well, that's a mystery! I don't recall ever making this or posting! I will see what I can find
