Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Spinning wheels

So here is what DH tried to accomplish last week in regards to building a house:

Called 3 paving companies for bids. Only one called back and emailed a bid.

Emailed our builder to ask for the list of suppliers he said he could get to us for the bids we will (attempt!) to get on doors, flooring, cabinets, etc.  No reply back.

Called 4 (or maybe it is 5 or 6 now) contractors about getting a bid on our excavating work that will need to be done. (see previous post). We maybe have one from the next county coming, but they also have not set up a date to come look at it. I think it was 4 from local here and 2 from next county (where the bigger city is, so more options on contractors). One of the out of county one's said they could probably come out Saturday and would call....of course that didn't happen, either. One local guy said he could probably get out to the property on Tuesday, so we'll see if he calls today.

Two and a half weeks ago called fence guy (the one we already used to fence this house) and he said he could come out in a week and a half and would call. No call.

Stopped by the county planner office (which consists of one guy and his assistant) to ask two easy questions. He wasn't there so gal had DH write them down on a piece of paper. No call back.

I'm sure I'm probably missing another item he tried to get accomplished.

I told DH that maybe he just needs to think of handling it like we do where I work. People don't get back to an email request, we keep sending follow ups until it gets done.

Like I told DH - worse comes to worse, we just have builder bring in his site work sub contractor. He had just thought (as well as we did) that we could probably save some money by having a local guy do it, as well as part of our goal was to try and spend the money here local, if possible.  Are these town people just stupid or what? You've got someone who wants to spend a few hundred thousand dollars in your small local economy and the local business's don't want the money? just dumb.

Friday evening our property neighbor emailed about their water softener system. DH had mentioned to them before he'd like to see their set up, as it's not something we've ever had before. She just had her salt delivered and that reminded her about Dh wanting to see it sometime. I emailed her back that it was no rush, and the way things were going it would be a miracle if the house ever got built! and a comment about how we can't get anyone local to bid the site work. She of course emailed back and said "did you call H Co?" So, I emailed her back that yes we called him first.....and twice! and he was supposed to meet DH Tuesday (two weeks ago now) and never called. She was like wow! his wife works where her DH works and tells people at work that her DH (H Co guy) is looking for work!

I'm sure we'll figure it all out eventually, but it's going to be extremely annoying dealing with all these bozos.

The people we bought this house from? The guy works for DH's millionaire friend and they have been working/living in an rv (him and wife), out of state, on a job this past year. They are back for awhile and now staying in their rv on another the lot millionaire friend has in town. DH saw his pickup in town the other day. They had left a box of vhs tapes down in the crawlspace, so DH decided to take them over to them (they had totally forgotten they even had them down there).  Want to hear what the (now ex) head sheriff said about DH to them, when they ran into him at a football game and asked something like 'how's the people that bought our old house doing in the neighborhood" (knowing they had problems with renter neighbor all those years) and his reply?! "oh, he just brought all is issues with him from wherever he came from". That ex-sheriff (he quit recently) is such a total piece of #*%&. He had lied to us and said the sheriff dept never had to come out to deal with our neighbor until we called. Ex-owners of our house said that is a flat out lie. They were there all the time. They said they came home one night to find every cop car there...the high school daughter was standing outside in the back yard by herself and they asked her what was going on. She said her stepmom held a gun to her head..........ya, and we're problems in this town. Unbelievable!

My week didn't fare as well on some things I ordered online. One of the cups in the set of dishes I ordered has a chip. I ordered DH a pair of sweatpants.....got a pair of boxer shorts.  I ordered a shirt for myself, in Medium, but it's too big.

I did just score a brand new nice office chair, though! My boss sent out an email to all employees to pick a chair (out of 3 choices) for the new office they are moving into. My chair seat cover here at home is literally disintegrating on me, wearing out. I knew if I sent my boss an email that I would like one of those with a winky face, she'd offer to get one for me. I don't usually do that kind of stuff, but shoot.....I need a chair.....if I worked physically at the office I'd have a new chair......and the company can certainly afford to give me a chair. So there!


  1. Well it IS December and seeing as these trades people are the way they are maybe just call Dec. a loss and start in nagging them in Jan?

    1. it doesn't seem to matter what month it is around here LOL

  2. One thing to consider is that sub-contractors usually give priority to builders who hire them over and over. The builders are familiar with their work and the subs don't have to worry about dealing with picky clients and possibly not getting paid for the job. I realize you are trying to save money by being your own general contractor for at least part of your home build, but that might be why you are running into so many problems trying to hire people. Just a thought.

  3. Hopefully the subs will all overspend for Christmas and be anxious for work in January.

  4. I think the guys are afraid of your position of trying to save money. They don't want to deal with people, just contractors.

    Go to the new sheriff and tell him what you have heard said about you. Feel him out.

    All this crap may be why you are having a hard time hiring someone--your name has been tarnished as a trouble-maker.

    1. we haven't had any contact with sheriff dept since last June (renter neighbor has resolved his crap) so I'm thinking just keeping a low profile, like we always do is best. If something comes up to talk to him (hopefully not in any official capacity!) DH would probably mention it. Have I mentioned DH's buddy he's friends with across the street is the brother of the ex sheriff! HA! they don't talk about him - he doesn't like his brother either. I think that is what DH is finding out - they just want to deal with the builder.

    2. When a person wants to contract himself, maybe they are thinking you are cheapskates and too much bother, then. That's annoying.

  5. Wow, how frustrating all this must be! I hope things start turning around for you.

    1. Thank you! At this point even a little progress would be better than nothing.

  6. It is a good thing that you are so patient. By now, I would have put the land for sale and have decided either to stay put in your current home or move elsewhere. Patience is certainly not one of my virtues but I am working on it. Wishing you the best of luck till you get your new home!

    1. Oh believe me - it has been discussed! especially last weekend, after getting nowhere last week. I have the patience but DH does not. He's even been looking at houses for sale just to see what is out there, but if we did that we'd have to sell our property first, which could take awhile, as land sells very slow here. No sense finding a house for sale and then taking a year to sell our stuff!

  7. Thank for your very good article.! i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!

